
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Open Letter to President Obama

Open Letter to President Obama

26 January 2011

Dear President Obama,

Educating our children:

I fell asleep during the State of the Union address, I do not know why maybe you do? I was not that sleepy thou I was tired. I do not know man.

Anyway in a short note, I want to address the education of our children. These kids are tired and weary, little kids are preoccupied with cartoons and young adults to senseless rap music and us older adults to fantasy films from Hollywood. I stated Hollywood on three counts. Have the first amendment rights run muck. In any case we as have been put to sleep and the baby sitters are in Hollywood.

As a result our nation has become handicapped; we as a nation we are educationally disabled. We cannot by law stop Hollywood but we can spend there tax dollars to curb the demand for their disservice to our nation and hopefully exchange their cancerous subliminal message with messages that a pro accomplishment and economic growth.

The Code to this message is that our children are educationally disabled. And as great a man might have put it, the system of education and law enforcement has insufficient funds. Because too many of our children go to prison and not enough goes to college and sir too damn many drops out of school and again not enough goes to college, this has to change.

We can address the judicial system and educational system, if not the first amendment rights of Hollywood. You were on point, our values as a nation are off course and Hollywood is the main culprit. They have brainwashed America and is looking for new candidates.

A solution: Recognize the educational disability and begin a new initiative. We need to push forward an (Americas Educational Disability Act). In short it would be a bill that would stop forcing kids to fall behind in schools and offer them the same educational assistance a person with a disability gets in college. Do I have to go further?

Mister President we replaced the slide rule with a calculator and the punch machine with a computer. Give every child a computer, calculator and handheld dictionary to use in the classroom to assist them with their lessons. Put away the hardcopy books and give them electronic books that have built in dictionaries with synonyms and anonyms, when words are highlighted and speak to them when they cannot pronounce a word.

Stop getting caught up on testing our children at every stage, for the tests should be at the final stages. As Satan was a tester the Lord is a teacher and we should teach our children by all available means.

Sir what good is technology unused?


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