The NCNCHINC 2011-12 Fiscal Agenda
To: The Board of Directors of the NCNCHINC
From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones President and Chair
RE: The NCNCHINC 2011-12 Fiscal Agenda
Date: 24 May 2011
Getting the doors open:
The NCNCHINC Meeting on 2011-12 Agenda to be held on Tentative date:
Saturday 4 June 2011@ 4pm
Location the Blue Temple Headquarters
Frank Paul Jones as Mediator
Contact Number: (863) 657-2142
The Honorable and Supreme Agreement:
I the Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Frank Paul Gambino will be the President and Board Chair perpetually or until I die or resign and pas over the torch to my successor. I am the successor of Carlo Gambino, Frank Clark Jones and Eston E.L. Roberts. It is my duty to grow these branches by associations with the noblemen of the communities of Highlands County and Queensbridge and the Gambino legitimate territories of New York City.... (Western Beef in Avon Park's Former Publix Site)
To: The Directors of the NCNCHINC:
I call on bro. Al Joe personally to be my national spokesman and director of a single parents with children outreach. His job would be to do speeches and interviews for the media. We will give exclusive coverage on occasion to the Florida Tribune. His baby will be to help children, that is his blessing, he gets to help children for a living. And he gets plenty of media attention.
Let us get serious, Bro. Al Joe you are a renowned community leader and the head of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) in the locality. I am simple a man with a vision and let me share it with you. Look around the world, earth is reshaping. Japan the third largest economy destroyed, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and wars all over the world. It is about survival.
We have to address the foreseeable now. What makes us special is our location. Avon Park, FL. seats on prime real estate, located 11 feet above sea level in central Florida.
Hurricanes from Miami and Tampa become strong winds when they hit this area. California is worried about the aftermath of Japan. Florida has the third highest mortgage foreclosures in the nation. One of the highest in unemployment with unemployment rate of almost 11% and the black community even worst.
I am addressing the contemporary situation we are faced with that we survive these hard days to come. We have to organize and be able to respond to any situation in a flash. We need homeless shelters and we need soup kitchens to insure the poor and homeless, as we are all one hurricane from homelessness.
We are living in a times unlike any other. Why allow you as an asset not be fully utilized. We know you are a community leader but how can we as a black community promote black advancement and ignore the plights of my organization the NCNCHINC, we have a $125G office building located in the middle of the black community that cannot open because of a roof and utilities. Every black organization in Avon Park including the NAACP should support our efforts. We are on the front lines and we need you to get established and we are of service to you. We are about community work and can do things under more than one organization and that is what we are.
The NCNCHINC is a local solution to having many leaders and no centralized voice. We want to have representatives several branches community service organizations, so that we can all work together as a unified order. We have to be ready for the worst is yet to come.
Let me share my vision with the NAACP
We at the NCNCHINC (The National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC) believe Highlands County, Florida is the land of opportunity. The town can be brought cheep and has been by the Wal-Mart's and McDonald's. They are the infrastructure and we have to build onto what they designed.
This place has very few living wage jobs. A great area to retire and work while on disability, but most black people cannot make it here on their own. A person is disenfranchised simply by not being allowed to drive, due to a suspended drivers license. There is no public transportation. Yet we are on prime real estate and I am talking about on this whole damn planet.
Think about it Japan will not even eat their own tuna fish. Look at the condition of Haiti, where do you think they are going to come to? America? And where in America is best than where the real estate is in a buyer market at extreme measures. We in Avon Park has to prepare for the worst and change that will follow being the exodus of many nations, states and cities. Think about the Mississippi River and all the homes lost and lives destroyed, where are they going to come to? Central Florida?
Highlands County, Florida about as big as any major city, yet the population is about 120,000 and growing fast. With all the things happening in the world, we are looking at a population growth in 5 years of about 200% or 240,000 new residents. And I agree with Gov. Scott to some degree, we do not need all that money spent on high speed rails, we need buses down here in Highlands County. These are the things that must be address. We need living wage jobs and Japan plans to relocate some of its plants, we need to put in a bid for Christ sake.
The black economic problem begins with the non profit sector. Because there is no investment capital, like conventional business loans, we have to get to the source of the whole economic problem which is inactivity. We have to pool our talents to create a well oiled machine in order to compete in the open market and that is what the establishment of the Blue Temple Headquarters and the NCNCHINC is all about.
I call on bro. Marshall to bring the brethren together. As I bring you all together by heart may you bring in the brothers in name. You know the Masons here a vagabonds. Away with gangster tactics and false secret orders AS MY FOREBEAERS practiced. I am the inheritor of the supreme mathematics that will bring forth prosperity for us all if we unify. We are getting old and must make our move now. The non profit organization if properly used is the template of the new mafia. Crime is a practice of the past, when we had to do what we had to do to survive. We are much bigger than that now. We are family Men. My cousin!
I call on bro. Rob to help protect our community. We have to create options for our youth to prevent incarceration to begin with. But we must help curb repeat offenders. I have a personal attachment to this department as I am a convicted felon myself. My nephew Dahoud spent his entire adulthood in prison. I am building this record company for him. We have to keep our people out of prison by any means necessary.
I call on bro. Herb whom I heard many good things about to help us Develop the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park, FL. We have to diversify the properties. Your club is a good property, however we have to develop the other properties because this is our central location. We have to redevelop Delaney Avenue with whole hearted business investors. If we can organize the youth and create an entrepreneur spirit of legitimate minded individuals. I realize that laws and ordinances has to be properly examined. There may well have to be a movement for change at City, County, State and even Federal Level. For example we endorse openly the legalization of marijuana, however we are aware of the consequences of the illegal acts and use of the drug. The first mission is to open the soup kitchen and manage the properties so that all businesses grow and build off of each other by the innate attraction from community unity.
I call on bro. Lorenzo to unify the black church here in Highlands County. So we can make motions as a unified group of constituents. The church has gone to sleep waiting to die but WWJD. We must be like the guiding beacon of peace, respecting and having tolerance for the righteous. We need a list of every church and the leadership within it, for the ability to contact and coordinated actions together. We will form a board of clergy of at least 5 members to vote on proposed actions from the NCNCHINC for the purpose of God's salvation, favor and community development.
I call on bro. Arnold to act as our liaison to the greater community. We need the Wilson Family involved and you all deserve to be within the loop. I need you to take the lead and do a lot of grant writing. I need for you to help me find foundation grants and government grants. We need you input on a lot of issues, we will share information with you before it is made public. You will take over Resource and Development. I want you to take charge on fund raising reporting directly to me as will all directors.
Subjects Summarized:
How do we open the Blue Temple Headquarters:
Location: The Blue Temple:
923 South A Avenue
Avon Park, FL 33825
First order of business:
Open corporate bank account. The NCNCHINC corporate account will require two signatures to withdraw money. It will require my signature and the signature of a second board of director. This will require about $100 however I want $500 startup capital.
We will turn on the electric at about $475 and gas we need an estimate and start the wiring project. Cable installation can cost as much as $3,000. We will do our own wiring and save a lot of money. We need enough power to run about 10 computers which cost about $30 per computer per month or $300, plus we need phone and cable TV connections.
After utility setup we can run a utility bill at over $1,000 per month. Each office space on the first floor has to pay rent to sustain the office space. We will need the minimum expenses for the 12 months duration of the fiscal year calculated in the budget. Everyone that is down has to hold their on and produce funds to apply it towards first the overhead and then the causes.
This is how the fund solicitation functions will take place. Each office space is expected to produce at least $250 per month time 8 = $2,000 operation expenses. How will this be done? Each office space will actually be a representative to a group of supporters. We want to charge $500 per space not in rent but for all the service necessary to run a safe and clean operation. This will require good grant writing and fund raising activities. We need movers and shakers and as a team we will be able to make good fund raising efforts.
Each department on an average will use 30% of the money earned for administrative costs.
I have a solicitation license, tax ID and is an active Non Profit Corporation in the state of Florida, without any debts. We are estimated to have a value of about $125G equity on the building without any mortgage. Our first administrative action after setting up corporate account is to apply for our 501 c 3 statuses. And after we pass the code inspections get all our proper licenses to operate a business at 923 South A Avenue and the adjacent lot 921A.
The Blue Temple is well built. The location can be defined by the activities promoted in the venues. We have to build a better community from the grassroots. I believe people want change and just do not know how to acquire it. We at the NCNCHINC are with the people in the community and for the people all over Highlands County and the greater USA. Office Space is made available to organizations that are self sustaining and serve the purpose of the NCNCHINC.
We need the roof fixed/replace, the building painted, a blower for the central air/heat, bathroom fixed, kitchen cleaned before moving in. To do this we need renovation insurance, it will cost an estimated $900 for 6 months insurance to hire a contractor to do the roof which is a dangerous job because of the building's height.
Next: We have to wire the building using a telecommunications company. We will do most of the wiring ourselves. It is done on the outer-walls. This job will be under the supervision of Arthur-Lee - Director of IT. We will request a class project from SFCC. We will pay for all the materials and cut the labor cost as we give students real hands on experience.
Invited Are the following Noble Gentlemen:
Located on 2nd Floor
Frank - Recording Studio
Ella - Publishing Company
Four Staff Members
John - Maintenance & Local Business Representative
Arthur-Lee - Director of IT
John and Arthur Lee will be the heart of the operation an
Located on 1st Floor
There are AC receptacles around the first floor walls, there will be 8 desks setup around the walls and in the center a table to meet and break bread.
We will setup desks with computers and phones. Everyone should supply there own spaces with the equipment needed and we will also depend on grants and philanthropic given to accomplish our goals.
The kitchen will be available to the people occupying the building. We will get food from the Rib Shack Two once fully operational.
The studio will operate in headphone and moderate sound levels during the day. During schedule sessions in coordination with management we will turn up the volume. There will be a conflict of interest policy between office hours and studio hours of full operation.
Al Joe - Natioanl Spokesman Director of Single Parents with Children Outreach
Marshall - Director Veterans Assistance
Rob - Director of Recidivism Prevention via Hilton Ministries
Herb - Director of Business Promotions: Local Business Representative
Lorenzo - Director of the Clergy Outreach
Arnold - Director of Resource and Development (R&D) - Representative for the Coalition for the Homeless
Located at Sites Office Spaces Shared:
Joe - Owner of Soup Kitchen Site
Ray - Owner of homeless Shelter Site
Representative from the Food Bank
The Main Street Homeless Shelter Site:
119 West Main Street
Avon Park, FL 33825
Ray is a smart businessman. He has a good property on Main Street. It is walking distance to the Community Center. Adjacent to the property are 3 other properties that can support stores. One of the stores is unoccupied and is a kitchen and planned to be the second soup kitchen under NCNCHINC management.
Ray is a man of God and decided that in his last days all he wants is God's favor. We at the NCNCHINC will insure his properties are well maintained and self supporting, well managed, well associated with the greater community, and certainly turn a profit.
In this economy you have to ask how. We are doing services for the underserved in our communities. There is a market for helping people during great recessions, because people simple are homeless and have no food. Ray has properties in his older age that people simply cannot pay the rent.
So we will accept a lower amount of rent per unit with guaranteed capacity. We want the going rate that the city gives for a homeless shelter on a monthly basis. Then we want to renovate the kitchen from Ray's expense account and serve food there as a another soup kitchen extension of the Rib Shack Two Community Kitchen.
Rib Shack Two Soup Kitchen:
212 Hal McRae BLVD
Avon Park, FL 33825
We need to bring in some brothers with talent. We all know people with talents and we can put up a banner, stating under renovation and get the job done for the costs of materials. I want money for the food bank network and the coalition for the homeless. We will match the money raised with the Facade Grant. This is a $10G startup operation $2,500 homeless coalition, $2,500 food bank, $5,000 Facade Grant.
In honor and truth I appeal to you all for the justice and rights of all people equally, that we together may do what we cannot do alone.
The Public Transportation Drive:
As united coalition we will create awareness not only of the need but the possibility through proper planning to achieve public transportation in the Highlands County area. It is the natural progression. Click the hyperlink above and read the article on the subject of how a bus service here will drive down unemployment. It is the infrastructure necessary to create an environment that will have living wage jobs.
We have to use every means necessary to create public transportation in the black community. We must create legitimate car services though our non profit networks. We must be the architects of our own community.
We own cars and have huge unemployment rates because people cannot get to work to have a job. We black folks have to create our own car services that are non profit, but self supporting through donations and fares.
The problem with Avon Park is that it has an oppressive policy on small businesses. Avon Park has become slaves of Highway 27 and has brought Main Street and the Southside Redevelopment Area to a pre-developed stone age economy. However there is a catch 22 Highway 27 is not residentially populated with black folks.
A transportation system that connects the Highway 27 to the black community and to other communities as well and to the college, courts and so forth is detrimental to a fair and just society here in Highlands County.
Rev. Frank Paul Jones
PS: Early Reporting to be continued.