
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Highlands County Criminal, & Educational for Agriculture Conspiracy

Highlands County Criminal,  & Educational for Agriculture Conspiracy


Based on 2012 statistics Highlands County, Florida with a population of under 99,000 people, maintained a jail population of about 400 inmates. We have an incarceration rate above 4%, which is above the average statewide.  About 58.5% of the inmates are pretrial with about 210 of them felony pretrial and 24 misdemeanor pretrial, while about only 41.5% of the inmates are actually already convicted and sentenced  for a crime committed.  So over half the inmates in our jail system in Highlands County, were not yet convicted of a crime, but still they the main portion of the population the detention facility.


This says a lot about our judicial system here in Florida and perhaps our country and most certainly Highlands County.  Most of the people in jail were never convicted of a crime and because they are already incarcerated their chances of being vindicated are much lower.  Because the detention center in Highlands County is filled with poor people, who cannot afford bail or a bond or a lawyer, so they are often convicted of crimes because they are forced into plea bargain agreements, simply because they have no other options and probably already served most of their sentence.


I am from New York City originally and I can testify that there are few real gangsters here in Highlands County.  Put it this way the jail population are not the real gangsters, but instead most of them are simply uneducated with a sense of hopelessness.   Many of them simply cannot get a job in an already weak job market coupled with bad habits they must support, such as smoking cigarettes and using drugs.


The real problem in Highlands County is the poor education system, which is failing our community drastically. According to the Florida Department of Education, only six Florida school districts are performing worst than Highlands County, with a graduation rate of only about 61.1% in 2011-12. And the true culprit to this disorder is corruption in our local governance.  And because of our internal corruption, these things seem to continue to go on unaddressed.  It seems as if Superintendent Cox is AWOL. He should be held accountable for our failing schools, there is no excuse for the performance of our school system.


Most of the crimes for profit committed here in Highlands County are smalltime and done by disorganized constituents. There is little organization in the criminal behaviors of the incarcerated.  And most violent crimes are crimes of passion. In both cases they are often cries for help, due to being in a hopeless situation. And until our education system is addressed and corrected, people here will continue to suffer needlessly and go to jail for senseless offenses, only to gain a criminal records, which will place them into an unemployable status for the remainder of their lives.


In my opinion, the real criminals are the legislators, who are selling out our youth.  We live in a reactionary criminal justice system here in Highlands County, Florida. And instead of being proactive in  correcting our educational system, which is the true culprit, they are being reactive by incarcerating our youth, who basically know no other way to survive but to commit petty crimes, only to destroy their future. And this is not an excuse for their disobedience, it is the fact behind it. Because by design our schools do not teach our kids a good education and the culture in our community supports this disorder. While the biggest events here is the next party, leaving the kids to televisions as babysitters.


The local government supports petty chaos and corruption, to support the economy here in Highlands County and the nation.   And what is going on is bigger than our County, but has reach all over the nation and it is agriculture.  We are one of the biggest agriculture industries in the whole country. Companies like Tropicana depends on us to distribute orange juice nationwide.  And the citizens of Highlands County are collateral damages.  Agriculture which was once the main source of employment for the citizens of Highlands County, Florida, is no longer the case. Most of the agriculture workers have been replaced by migrant workers out of Mexico, because they are willing to work longer hours for less pay, because they themselves are involved in slave labor.


But this is a temporary fix, because with immigration reform comes about there will be more freedom for even the migrant worker. For this reason I believe it is so hard to pass immigration reform through the Congress. It could have a devastating effect on how fruit is picked. Because the reality behind agriculture is slave labor and they know this but turn the other way for cheap fruit prices.


Meanwhile the African American as well as poor whites have been left behind here in Highlands County. Understand our education system here was never designed to equipped our citizens to excel into higher education. Our job market never supported it and our corrupt City Council legislators has always blocked even light industry from coming here into Avon Park, in support of our agricultural moguls.


What is going on here in Highlands County is a conspiracy, to oppress a population of people, in support of the fruit and vegetable industry.  Because an uneducated population  will always be submissive to hard labor for low pay. It is no coincidence that where there are orange trees in abundance, there are also failing schools. Whereby such an environment should by design produce harder work from the students in our schools for hope in a better opportunity, our kids are being discouraged from obtaining a good education. It is all by design, but because our population is only 100,000, with about 10,000 black people, we have no real representation and is flying under the radar.


The solution is simple:


I think companies like Tropicana, Florida Finest Citrus, Delicious Florida Oranges, Hyatt Fruit Company and the list goes on, should be forced to pay into our education system here in Highlands County or do it on their own accord if I am wrong and it is not a conspiracy.  They should invest in our educational system due to the damages they have inflicted upon us to enable their agricultural market to strive at the cost of innocent lives and our people not being allowed a good education or liberty. They know they have no more use for us anymore and should free us from the grips of their unethical business practices.


Frank Paul Jones

Friday, November 8, 2013

MST Untreated Stole My Life

MST Untreated Stole My Life


For many years I was traumatized due to a military sexual assault, the illness is called MST or military sexual trauma.  I really never dealt with it, but simply allowed my life to deteriorate, while one thing led to another in a self destructive pattern. I recently enrolled in MST therapy through the Veterans Affairs Medical Center and for the first time since the assault occurred I am being proactive in addressing the underlying problems associated with this by actually looking into how it really effected me.


My goal is to obtain a better quality of life and to be successful in gaining service connected disability. I feel that this assault destroyed my life because as a result of it, I halted in development, I stopped growing, in fact, I became insecure  and became worst. And instead of the VA treating my true illness they chose to treat a mere symptom which was "delusional schizophrenia and bipolar disorder," because they were only concerned with denying me service connected disability they did not address MST and as a result over 24 years have passed by, while it went untreated and I am now 54 years old and have a sense of hopelessness and despair.  


Now for the first time I was ask how did the assault effect me and as a result for the first time I actually thought about it in detail and that is the nature of this letter.


I never understood what Paul Castellano meant by saying to Rev. Jesse Jackson "he has to overcome it, he had to know, but he has to overcome it."  Why? Because I was never challenged by anyone to think about it.


First of all, I truly believe that everything that happened in my life was for a reason, to include the late decision by the VA to treat me for MST.  Sure I probably would have had a full life had we did it sooner, but still better late than never.


To say I had to know is talking about knowledge of something and what I had to overcome was the traumatic effect as a result of the knowledge.  I had to know homosexuality or the act of homosexuality inflicted upon me "an assault" and had to overcome whatever happened to my psyche as a result of it.  And because I was not homosexual it was a traumatic experience, because in reality my manhood was taken from me and I will explain. 


One of the worst things you can do to a straight man is have another man  rape him. As a result I felt fear, I was afraid to even go to sleep night.  One time I stayed up for about three months.  Because of being raped I begun to hate alcohol, I feared its effects, though I still abused it, because it made me vulnerable and subject to another assault. So while I was afraid to sleep I needed a sedative to put me under. I could not sleep on my own, without the help of a drug and still cannot. I still cannot sleep without medications to assist me.


Soon after I was raped, I realized I was naked as did Adam, which makes me wonder what was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Soon after I got raped I did not feel comfortable taking a shower with other men, which was a requirement in the Army in Germany, because we lived in old style barracks. And I became ashamed of my body and I felt violated and inadequate.  And though I have reason to believe Paul Castellano killed those who conspired to rape me, there was never a sense of closing. I never had closure, because one thing led to another  in a constant self destructive pattern in my life.


Soon after I got out of the military during that enlistment, I drank everyday and made my father promise not to enter into my bedroom while I was asleep, in fear he would hurt me. But I am sure he checked on me to make sure I was OK.  Because at the time he was the only person that I told about I being raped while in Germany. And when I showed him a picture of the people responsible for my assault with their social security numbers on it and said one day I will find them and kill them, he tore up the picture and said "they are already dead."  It was years later before I even had a flash of their killings. Still until this day I do not remember it all, but only in parts can I remember that night Paul Castellano killed them.


I think John J. Gotti set me up to be assaulted, because I had to know and overcome it and to get even with me. He too was setup while in prison in his younger years and also that man who did him died a horrible death.  But he made it difficult for me to overcome it.  Because now that I think about it Janet Jackson was never for me, but worked for the Mafia and him.


See Janet was used to control me for many years. My relationship with her went back to when I was 16 years old an d she was about 9.  I was hypnotized and tricked into loving her from the beginning and to feel a sense of debt to her. I felt I owed her my love, because of all these bad things I did to her "allegedly". And as a result of my love for her, the Mafia controlled me. She was never  really my true mate, but was a tool they used to get me to do the many things I did for them. And John J. Gotti told me, "you have to get over her." Just like I had to get over the assault and had to get over Janet, because she never was for me to begin with. He said I could never be a Dom and be obsessed over her, who was never worthy of my love. But after years and years of this, I found it hard to let go, yet I knew I had to someday.


The sexual assault coupled with a hypnotically induced obsession over Janet Jackson, brought about my long term deterioration. First of all, I was suffering with MST which was going untreated for many years.  Meaning the feelings of fear, insecurity, inadequacy, shame and guilt  to name a few was coupled with an illusionary relationship diagnosed as delusion. And I was preoccupied with the fact that I knew it was true (my associations with her) that I overlooked the fundamental element (fact), which was that she used me to gain the world, never intending to share it with me. She never really cared about me from the beginning.


As a result, I further melted down by disassociating myself with people who cared about me, always worrying about her. I was actually faithful to her for about 10 years, going without sex. Because my believed relations with her was upheld by me being a victim of MST. I see it now as a setup, Janet Jackson was used against me so effectively only because I was already traumatized by a sexual assault, in the military. She in fact was my escape as well as distraction from dealing with my underlying problems associated with MST. And the VA failed me, because had they never addressed my real problem, because I would have gain service connected disability and/or recovered from this traumatic experience.  And because Paul Castellano killed those men, I was accused of destroying a covert unit. But it was centered around me anyway and they dishonored me by allowing this rape to take place and then covering it up as if it n ever happened.


A better quality of life for me, would include some material things, like a better car to drive, my house being renovated, eating quality foods like good steaks ore often, my recording studio being upgraded and updated and the tools to get our non profit organization of the ground, because my non profit organization give me a reason to wakeup each day.


But I know in my heart, now that I am pondering and reflecting on my past and how I got to where I am today in mind, body and spirit. For me to enjoy these things and truly benefit from them, I need peace of mind. I need a true understanding of myself that is consistent with the directions I want to go with the remainder of my life.  I need closure concerning this traumatic event coupled with illusions that controlled my life for over 25 years.  


From: The Screenplay "The Apostle."



Staff Sergeant Winston who was my KEY arranged a meeting with me and Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Who are you?

Frank Paul Jones was in the process of becoming Paul Castellano, right before Rev. Jackson.


I am afraid; they are going to kill me.
Then Paul Castellano started laughing, saying Frank Paul Jones is a baby, and he wasn’t that body he just resides in it.


Why you let them do what they did to Paul.


He has to overcome it, he had to know, but he has to overcome it.


What are you going to do to the people responsible for this?


What do you suggest?


They must die.


You are right and I assume you are afraid for your life as well, but you will be all right, it’s all a part of the Master Plan.
The decision was made to protect Jesse, because he had a strong Presidential campaign and the decision was made to handle the people who raped Paul.


I don’t remember the last day in Germany of this tour. All I remember was being with a prostitute in Frankfurt, who told me I had to return to Swhweinfurt to resolve this situation, then I saw Staff Sergeant Winston who said, there he goes, and then later on that night I remember sweating on top of the same prostitute, and she said, now you can go home.


From the NIV Holy Bible:

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”


10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”


11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”


12 The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”


13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”


Frank Paul Jones


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hip Hop Culture - A Setup and Ghetto Flamboyance

Hip Hop Culture - A Setup and Ghetto Flamboyance


One of the most important rules of the underworld of criminals is do not be flamboyant.  Many gangsters have been killed  or put away in prison for long lengths of time for breaking this one basic rule. The reason for this is that flamboyancy brings too much attention to a person and his associates who is attempting to maintain a low profile. The most successful criminals in the history of mankind who experienced longevity in the life of crime did so by maintaining a low profile.  Maintaining a low profile is imperative to a successful gangster or criminal.  Most successful gangsters became known to the public as celebrities in their aftermath.


Sure many will say, "everyone knows who is involved in organized crime as well as criminal behavior on the street corners." But this is not always true, even though it is said.  And even if you are known as a criminal it doesn't help at all to be arrogant and smug it into the faces of law enforcement. Because by doing so you make yourself a target on the most wanted list by becoming a public enemy.  Any rational minded person knows crime exist and there are dirty cops that allow these enterprises to prosper. But bringing too much attention to yourself, your operation and associates is a poison pill to any business maneuver, legal or illegal enterprises.  The less people know about you true intentions the better.  And if your intend to make a living breaking the law, you should not boost about it by showing off.  And you must have an exit plan


Just like a silk suit worn by a real gangster, hanging jeans by a street hood is symbol that rings off alarms.  The first thing the police or even an ordinary citizen thinks when they see a Hip Hopper wearing pants well below his waistline is anti-social behavior.   It is the sign of criminal behaviorisms as well as ignorance. And the first person on the most wanted list of street criminals are stupid crooks, because a stupid person breaking the law is considered dangerous.  Law Enforcement has a duty to protect the public from stupid criminals, because they are the type of people who harm innocent people in the process of their criminal behaviors.


What most people are concerned with as far as street crime, is the violence associated with these activities. Understand that over 30,000 people are killed by gun violence every year in this country, with over 100,000 shot by guns.  These are startling statistics and because of this a street hood shouldn't do anything to associate himself with this fact.


Many psychologist have weighed in on the Hip Hop culture and hanging jeans and have determined that these kids are angry.  No rational criminal wants people and especially law enforcement to think for a moment that he is angry. It is one thing to be a businessman breaking the law and another to be an angry person committing crimes. A criminal shouldn't want people to fear him when they can like him.  Because it is one thing to be ruthless  and another to be feared. And the difference is a feared man is a target to be killed or snitched out due to fear, because a person will setout to destroy he who he fears and a liked person is never suspected of killing until he is caught.


Now this is not a lesson on how to be a good crook, because good or bad being a crook is wrong.  But it is a lesson on ghetto survival techniques. Because often people who play into these ghetto flamboyant fashion statements are really actually harmless, yet they are perceived as stupid crooks that need to be removed from the streets for public safety.  And it is sad because often they take the heat off of the real criminals who hide behind these foolish actors and shields, not being paid by Hollywood or anyone else for that matter.


Why do you think crime seems to never stop, even as many people constantly get busted everyday?  We all know people who are in jail or recently got busted and is on their way to prison. Yet crime continues to constantly move forward and is getting worst. Why? The answer is because the real crooks are not to be seen. They are not flamboyant on the streets. When they dress up they dress up to go to church or to work, to show off their new rags. They go by the names Doctor, Mister, Misses and reverend and not "Stone Dog" or some other nick name. They are church goers and politicians and do not hangout on the streets getting drunk and high everyday.  But they do their dirt in the privacy of their own homes in private or among their clandestine circle.  And after they are finished using the street thug, they are the ones who call 911, because they are the 411. They know everything, because they fabricate the rules of the streets.


The Apostle Paul aka Paul Castellano