
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Glad she had a good time, but wish I was there!

Glad she had a good time, but wish I was there!

Date: 18 May 2008

May 18, 2008 -- You have been so busy socially lately that more intimate relationships have suffered, but now you can reach out again to people you love. A few tears are to be expected around the time of Tuesday's full moon but they will be tears of joy.

Maybe I made an error in judgment planning my trip the following week and not having fun yesterday, because Janet said something funny yesterday that I realized there could have been a few more of those one liners, if I paid her more attention over the weekend, but instead I packed my bags which had to be done. So I did the responsible thing and yes the more intimate relationship has suffered. But hopefully this will come to a final end very soon so the sacrifice may well have been worth it.

Originally the trip was supposed to be a business trip, but I owe Janet much more than that. I hope she plans an exciting weekend and I hope the weekend never ends, my only real business in New York City “be it’s God’s will” and everything works out and in the presence of God how can it not? Is to move out of my apartment and resign from my job, it is not good to burn bridges even if you never need them again, because someone else might and that can be done from long distance but I prefer to do it in person, what are we talking about 3 days to a work week? What does that equal 5 days apart for a lifetime and more? People do not realize but this is much bigger than me or Janet; it is about world affairs and a better future for all.

I want to be with my wife for ever and ever and the next birthday and the birthdays after that. I am not jealous because Janet had a happy birthday party we accepted that a month ago and it was nice of her to share some of that with me and the world and I knew the gossip would follow the news about the party, I am getting used to this, stuff like how they are having mad sex and their tender moments that is not what I saw, I saw a respectful video with a few jokes. But like the letter I wrote not everything was in it, but Janet saw the whole letter and what was not included was not anyone else’s business it was a personal letter and sharing part of it was all jokes.

Only with Janet do I wear soft gloves, you would be surprised at how I talk to her, sometimes I be fronting in my postings, but I do not usually talk to her like that, but I admit my temper flares sometimes and I talk crazy, but that is in my character and it will change when it is given more attention, loving and care and the same probably applies to Janet, no one can love her like me, because they are not me they are substitutes. I mean I am alone and I do not have a bunch of friends anymore especially girlfriends, it is not my style to hangout anymore without purpose and usually men around a bunch of women are either players or punks, I am neither. In the future Janet’s male friends will at least be my acquaintances, I do not know if I want female friends unless they have a man and if that relation end so does ours as friends. Sure a friend of a relative will be treated nice, but if that relationship ends so will ours, that is how I do me. I even have to be careful how I counsel a person!

If Jermaine want to continue to see Janet he has to meet me!

Ge 2:24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh.
1Co 15:45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.
1Co 15:46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.
1Co 15:47 The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven.