The Don Receives God's Favor
As my friend explained in the "God's Favor" video, God's favor is more precious than Gold and Gold is real money. There is not enough gold to go around if everybody wanted it. So in God' America trust, that he will get America out of this mess. Understand money is not secured by anything but a promise that America can continue to borrow money from around the world. Is this extortion, I mean when a person with enough nuclear bombs to totally destroy you ask to borrow how can you deny him. But you deny the Lord.
However a Don pronounce "Dom" receives favor from God. A real Don is a thinker, enforcer, and mediator known to the underworld as the God. You have the thinker, the enforcer and mediator. The idea person is the Son of Man, the mediator is the Godfather and the enforcer is the made man.
A man is made by visiting the Son of Man is heaven. The Godfather holds the token or key to the conference that takes place. The meeting of the minds are when three agree. When three agrees a destiny is created. The path or journey of the made man is designed by a Great Architect.
It happened already, that is the meeting of the minds. Who are these made men? They are not necessarily flamboyant. They are often normal people with full time jobs. Because God knew not everyone who is down with the "G" would be able to endure too much oppression as he was able to. But now we have to start giving back to the Lord, by supporting his causes. When the Lord says he needs something you should not hesitate to deliver. Understand that what you have he gave to you and can take it back.
The made man's innate duty is to serve God. He serves God thru the Son of Man. The Son of Man is the Son of God, as the Godfather is also a servant of God in the order known as the Mafia.
A Don should not hurt for anything, thou he is known as the Godfather, the real Dom is the Son of Man, and he should always be in God's favor. Why he is not is because people do not know him, so they support a local church with a local agenda. God's agenda is universal but starts local by "grassroots" we will gain momentum.
Though God's agenda is grassroots, he only requires a small group of people, so he and is parents chose the Mafia. Why the Mafia over the Nation of Islam, which was the last two choices was because the Italians are said to be white because they pass for white out of Southern Europe and Sicilians as in Carlo Gambino are not white people, but could do business with white America. Whereby the Mafia hoodwinked America and the world, into believing they were bad guys, gangsters and the whole they were on a mission directly designed by God through the Son of Man. The black organization the NOI would have been killed and America nuked for this, but he came like a thief in the night and will finish the job.
The mission was to save the world from Satan, because mankind was moving in a direction of self destruction. People are so confused and weary and have become sacrificial lambs, waiting to be slaughtered.
The Bible prophesy was fulfilled to the best of our ability to save mankind from the Devil's prophesy. So what you think you see may not be real. As the Illuminati is trying everything to hold on to power, their days are limited, because Satan time is up and he knows it. Understand that the Son of Man came to mankind as a gifted child, no more and no less. The Illuminati knew he was coming because they were forewarned. They tampered with the Bible to confuse the world prior to his ARRIVAL people would not believe him or receive him. But his master plan conquered the world, because he knew that the Devil's kingdom is divided.
Understand that the Son of Man does not need billions of non believers confused by the Illuminati. The days are short and if people do no accept the living God soon and serve him, he is going to give up on the losers and kill them off through wars drugs and diseases.
You can call Satan God and God Satan and follow the Pope and believe those people in Israel are God's chosen people, but I am here to say how can that be when I am the one who shares the temple Son of Man, for I am he because he controls me. And I will destroy all of the World before I hand it back over to Satan again. Mankind and Satan can go to hell together. Keep mistreating me, now all of the heads of the Earth has been warned, for mankind has disappointed the Lord and a disobedient man is a worthless man. God says he is sick of the disobedient ignorant man and such people are better off dead.