To: Attorney General Eric Holder - Sent to the CIA
From: Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano
RE: Covert Operation to save Florida's Economy
Date: 12 June 2011
When Kingpins Were Made
(It Could Happen)
Screenplay by: Frank Paul Jones
Note: Read Hyperlinks Don Paul Castellano for a clear understanding of the authority to carryout said mission.
Don Paul Castellano ( A Must Read):
Before we talk in code languages let it be clear, the government knows who I am. My operation must be sanctioned by the DEA, CIA and Homeland Security, with FBI engagements.
Usually military experience is a prerequisite preferably blackouts during covert activity. The reason is the code of discipline. He is a qualified leader. I am he, Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano.
They will find me incompetent on 20 June 2011. It has been decided however, a judge has to make the order based on the facts. I believe this was arranged for a reason.
The way I see it, now I have to stay here in Florida for at least 5 years, which was my original plan. Because my charges will be dropped in 5 years, so I will have an open case here in Florida. So I may as well serve the state of Florida and its people.
Additional Means Of Communications
I communicated with John J. Gotti via the New York Post, zodiac sign Pisces. The system was effective.
Read up on Chapter 916 These are the Florida Statutes that deal with mentally ill people being diagnosed incompetent.
I know where I will go now if I make a fall and do not kill anyone. I go to the hospital for a maximum of five years in the state of Florida. Under these circumstances I am willing to take on this mission to be described. I am in position to make a lot of money for a group and take a fall as an exit plan. I will do five years in the hospital if necessary.
I will to do community work and make hard times better for others. I am blessed with a place to do business, however, I need my roof fixed in order to open up to the public. I have a two story building, I want opened ASAP. This is the property appraisal of the Blue Temple @ $125G
The Blue Temple Headquarters located in the heart of the Southside Redevelopment Area, of Avon Park, FL. I would like a government agency such as the CIA or Homeland Security to sponsor my activities, done out of the Blue Temple Headquarters. It is the perfect cover for a covert operation.
Operation Green Tea
Operate one of the Nations biggest marijuana distribution networks on the East Coast. We will sedate the American people safely by pushing said drug. The reason this is necessary is because of the tough economic times and the sedation will be a preventative measure to not allow an uprising of the American people. We will use the profits to pump the money back into the economy, thereby creating new tax revenue without creating new taxes.
The Organization that will get credit for the action will be the Jones Family aka The Gambino Family of Florida, led by Paul Castellano code name for Frank Paul Jones.
I will use the guys out of Queensbridge and Avon Park to run the operations. Our main retail point will be New York City, however the drugs will come out of Miami and the nearby towns and through Avon Park to cities across the country as fruits and vegetable deliveries.
People will order the stuff in New York City, however the Headquarters will be the Blue Temple, which is where we actually arrange to move the products.
We need the DEA to allow marijuana to grow in an undisclosed location in Florida. We want to move at least 33% of the US market or $15 Billion per year through what will be known as the pipeline.
The government (Feds) will get $8 Billion annually based on these numbers. $7 Billion will go to operational cost to include $2 Billion to the Jones Family, $2 Billion to the Gambino Family and other 5 families.
50% of the money paid to the government goes to the state and Highlands County. $4 Billion per year for 5 years which will be the duration of the operation whereby the exit plan will be a big shake up and the legalization of the drug; will go to the development of Highlands County and Florida. Here in Highlands County, I want to create light industry jobs and develop the infrastructure. We need public transportation. This will increase the value of the real estate here in Highlands County by creating full time jobs. This operation can save the economy here in Florida.
#1: Florida is one of the hardest hit by foreclosures.
#2: Highlands County, Florida is prime Real Estate
#3: Natural disasters are happening at an alarming rate, making Highlands County more attractive to outside investors.
#4: The People here in Highlands County have very little investment capital and can easily be bought out, which is an unfair reality. (the problem)
Major Assets for Operation:
#1: Lots of water (Lakes)
#2: Lots of undeveloped land (wood)
#3: Rich soil & Good Climate (Fruits and Vegetables growth)
#4: Strategic Location for Nationwide Drug Trafficking
Frank Paul Jones
PS: I am taking offers!