
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Japan to become a Radioactive Hazard in isolation

Japan to become a Radioactive Hazard in isolation

11 March 2011, a date for Japan to always remember and the world will never forget. Japan was hit with both an earthquake and Tsunami, which devastated the Japanese motherland. Followed by a nuclear disaster, Japan is the biggest kept secret in the world as the powers that stand must decide what to do. Trust me Libya is just a cover to take the attention for the real problems in Japan.

The earthquake was recorded at about 9.0 on the Richter scale as the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has had a meltdown, and we are being told in so many words it happened, through a bunch of media hypostasis. The worst case scenario has already happened, whereby much of the mainland in Japan will be radioactive for many years to come.

As a result of these incidents millions will die and Japan will be blockaded. As millions of Japanese will try to escape the terror, they will not be able to leave Japan, without foreign intervention.

Ten’s of million of Japanese people will travel to the western world, mostly to the United State and the European Union. Japan will be force to do something unprecedented and go bankrupt. The problem is the debt is owed by the people of Japan. Unlike America we owe the world the Japanese owe the world and they will request a place of safety, to avoid personal debt owed by the Japan government (The People) and the world will get stiffed. Many Japan citizens will give up there Japanese citizenship and settle their insurance policies that are back by the world and walk away debt free.

Japan’s water is screwed up and without water we cannot sustain life. Anyone that cannot see this is blind. The Japanese government is known to be liars and they are hiding the truth to prevent civil unrest, until the important people can escape the catastrophic events of Japan.

There are about 126 million Japanese people in Japan, many whom will not be able to stay in Japan. Whereby about 70% are in the service industry and about 28% in the industrial industry Japan is a well educated society, in a country with literally no natural resources. The main resource of Japan is the people and their skills. The world’s third largest economy has been destroyed, but the people of Japan as resilient and will survive outside the motherland. They will continue to be a major asset to the world economy, similar to the Jews. This is a nuclear holocaust.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Japan under the Rule of Self Preservation

Japan under the Rule of Self Preservation

Before and After Photos

Japan has no natural resources other than fish, their resource is their people. Japan is their central location. About 70% of the employees in Japan are in the service industry. Japan is invested around the world for example smart cards in your phone, hell they import lots of cars to America whereby industry is about 28% of the population.

Things to look forward to with the radiation leaks in Japan from their power plants, they will have to setup elsewhere They have the money to relocate business and that means personnel, which means the real estate market in America has to surge as the population of Japan is over 126 million people. America can expect millions of Japanese people to migrate into America very soon.

This will bring down the price of fuel as Japan imports more gas than anyone and second in the importation of oil, I wonder who is first. Businesses to gain huge by this are the auto makers as Japan might have to invest in plants in America to manufacture their cars. Their plants may never go back into full operation. This can bust Detroit.

Japanese money is good money in America we are friendly with Japan, in WWII we were enemies, in WWIII we are competitors in the economic war. We owe them a lot of money, but they have no natural resources they are simply a skilled labor force and investment machine and understand they can operate in America if necessary.

As gas prices should go down a few pennies long term, the price of real estate has to go up as people will go after the real estate from Japan, understand their country is done and they still have plenty of money. They know they have to rebuild, but at what pace and how? Would you risk this again or spread out better next time?

The Japanese will operate like the Jews has for many centuries and live among the nations of the world and meanly in America by the million they shall come here buying up everything and gaining power in the government system through their business investments. They know America is up for sale! We know Japan’s homeland is destroyed, but not the labor force or investment capital!

The Japan and Libya Connection

The Japan and Libya Connection

Question: If Japan’s debt is to the people and the country goes bankrupted which they will have to, does that mean the Japanese are broke?

It all happened when hundreds of billions of dollars traded hands as a result of Libya. The conspiracy theory is this was not a natural disaster, but mankind learned how to manipulate weather conditions using nuclear power. An explosion created a domino effect and it was paid for with Libyan money, but not by the orders of Revolutionary Leader Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-QADHAFI, but by the Illuminati as the third largest economy has been destroyed. Is the world coming to an end Amen!

Just a couple of weeks ago we wanted to start a war with Libya, over the preserved demand for oil. We are wearing our military down, we are fighting too many wars and the economic war has just been redesigned.

WWIII is an economic war, not fought with conventional arms, but using super high technology and economic calculations to develop patterns by which mankind will be responsive to. The goal of economic war is to destroy the well of the people of the world.

Many Japanese will die as a result of these natural and unnatural disasters? Japan will bid for real estate as a means of survival. However due to the radiation concerns of the world they will be blockaded unless they allow International Control over the situation at hand. Jets will be grounded, boats not allowed inside the territory, to prevent world wide exposure to radioactive material.

Then indirect routes to America for the Japanese will be developed as many of them will integrate around the world. America will host the most of them and Europe as one destination will hold a strong second. However they will not be allowed to migrate without going to a holding facility in an area wear de-radiation takes place prior to exiting to new destination.

The Battle over the Control of Mankind

The Battle over the Control of Mankind

It is believed by the apprentice of light that the great deceiver Satan greatest trap was that he did not exist. Yet he is told there was darkness before there was light. Philosophically speaking when we discuss, good and evil, we also use terms like darkness and light. Whereby darkness is evil and light is righteousness. Satan represents the prince of darkness and God is light as he is King. We are taught that God is greater than Satan yet this is Satan’s domain. Then we are told Brother have faith!

Was Satan’s greatest trick of his non existence or state of being, or is the greatest deception is that God really does not exist? Can both God and Satan coexist? Can the world be both good and evil? The truth about the matter is the subject of the fate of Mankind. Either God will prevail or Satan’s destruction will kill us all.

What we believe matters as we come to an understanding as a Master of light. The original man was innocent and knew not evil but he was deceived. He was introduced to Satan and all his trickery. What people fail to relieve is that by being introduced to Satan and his deceit he became confused and no longer knew right from wrong as a matter of Mankind. He became disoriented, misguided and traveled to the east as the truth went west. The truth then became a matter of how to deceive to achieve wealth. And not to serve God!

To understand this profound statement, one must understand there are the Law of Self Preservation and a Rule of Self preservation. We either survive by rule or law. Satan rules for self preservation are the creation of Mankind under the rule of the New World Order, which is greed based. We are talking about world economics, which is headed towards a simplified one world government. God’s law however is that the Law of self preservation will provide for all of mankind who has faith.

Understand God’s economics is not greed based, but Satan’s economics is greed based. Satan’s rule is an energy driven economy, which cannot be safely delivered to the world economy, which creates an unsafe world fighting over oil and using unsafe sources of power such as nuclear energy. Will the world end by fire this time? Radiation! Nuclear bombs! Or will God prevail.

It seems that it will eventually end by fire, because even God’s so-called children have it twisted. We want what Satan has which is his money. But we do not consider the consequences of our desires. The money of this world is tied to the need for more and more energy. The world is energy driven and as long as the need for more and more energy is required, there can never be peace of a true safe haven here on earth.

A man told me that God will hand over the wealth of Satan to his Children. The essence of the wealth of Satan is deception and greed. God does not want his children to be greedy, but wants us all to be provided for in abundance. God cannot provide all his children with Bill Gates wealth, there simply is not that much energy in the world.

God is about love and I know you heard this before. But please have a profound understanding of God’s love in man. Man was created to love and not to deceive and murder others. But man discontinued love for desire, we want this and we want that, in a world whereby merchandise is made to break to replace. This keeps the economy moving as the need for energy increases, perpetuating an unsafe world.

The bottom-line is this, I can go on and on, but put simply Satan breeds greed and God breeds contentment. To achieve a content society, requires a change in the mindset of the people within the civilization. The question then becomes have we gone too far and must we first have mass destruction before the healing process?

Rev. Frank Paul Jones Marijuana Rehabilitation Plans

Rev. Frank Paul Jones Marijuana Rehabilitation Plans

Everyone has their set of morals and ethics. Drugs in my humble opinion are a matter of both morals and ethics. It screws with your character and makes you into someone you are not? I have to preach against drugs for most by not all people, unless it is prescribe by a doctor. Even if you find a medical purpose for it, you have to consider is it municipal. Certainly there are great benefits to marijuana and it should be absolutely legalized.

However it is not a legal drug and using it has consequences. There ARE LEGAL, MORAL AND ETHICAL CONSEQUENCES. Smoking marijuana will cause people to become felons. Though smoking is a misdemeanor selling is a felony and how do you support your habit, because you cannot hold a good and smoke weed everyday. For one you will never pass the urinalysis at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Law Firms, Hospitals, Hotels, but oh sure you can pick fruit. That is the moral aspect of marijuana.


If you cannot hold a job, unless you are blessed, how do you make ends meet to have some autonomy in your life? So if you resort to illegal activities you can eat. Otherwise in Florida all you have is food stamps. The social programs here forces people to work legal or illegal. Certainly more social programs will reduce crime. However that is not the case and to fight the power or say legislators you have to get into the game. Using Marijuana locks you out of the system.

There ARE LEGAL, MORAL AND ETHICAL CONSEQUENCES. Understand that the law has power of labor, there are labor laws. The law that prevails in Florida is the right the work. Meaning the state is anti-union. As many other states are becoming anti-union. Some will say the right to work law is godly and conservative, but it creates crime. People become criminals when they cannot earn a living wage. So unless you are blessed you have to work two more maybe three jobs to make ends meet. Many full time employees work an additional part time job. An incentive to stop using drugs is a job that you can survive off of.

Today we live in a hopeless society. People are giving up because they are exhausted. Satan using every angle he can use. Something as harmless as marijuana from “the tree of life” is being used to destroy the black community. Because we are being disenfranchised by our own folly, we are headed for self-destruction.

I must say there are many bad drugs our there being used, we will not discuss poison. If you are crazy enough to smoke crack after you know the deal, or use ecstasy after you know the deal, you probably need urgent intervention. I mean stop what you are doing and lands at the hospital’s door.

I know that marijuana is good but it is illegal so it is bad for you. The law has to change and we cannot change the law on the wrong side of the law. We have to fight the battle sober and clean. In a legal world we will buy it like beer and wine, but until then smoking pot is actually childish, unless you really need it and prescribe medications did not work. Then you have a dilemma. Some people are made into real gangsters and a gangster has the right to smoke. There ARE LEGAL, MORAL AND ETHICAL CONSEQUENCES.

I cannot continue in this direction of using. It will deteriorate me slowly and surely. I have to have structure in my life and incomes to support may legal activities, such as music production, blogging and so forth and cannot afford to be disenfranchised by Marijuana. Until the laws change it is like poison, because it is stealing my liberty. So I cannot condone the use of marijuana, by me or family members, because it makes a person need a crutch. Unless you are really a gangster, you are not going to survive in the drug game and you cannot get a job, because of the dirty urine.

Gambino from Queensbridge to Avon Park!