To: President George W. Bush
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: What I want
Date: 29 February 2008
February 29, 2008 -- You can trust your instincts today but other people's instincts are another matter. No matter how enthusiastic a friend may be about their latest big idea you must not allow yourself to get pulled in to their gravitational orbit. If you do you may look back a few days hence and wonder what came over you.
I do not know what to say man, I hate to see Janet fail, this probably the best stuff she did in awhile, but it fall short on substance it is senseless and it just does not have that 3 or 4 songs you want to hear over and over, but you can listen to the whole package without going to sleep. She put together a bunch of songs that gets a pass, but no mega hit. I might have to by another copy I scratched the last song, but I do not like that one anyway. I have to admit it can grow on you, but Janet lies too much.
I am going to buy me a bass guitar for my birthday, while actually for my studio so I can do my bass lines on my Cubase System 4 setup. I am not going to try to blackball Janet, but I am not going to get too active in this project because she lied to me. She will make it or break it on her own.
As for what I want, stop asking me stupid fucking questions, I want my damn money and in the interim I want to be duly recognized and respected. I do not want to be pressured to act on a response, when I make my move I want it to be from a proactive standpoint and I am not running behind them like a chicken with her head cut off and I will not cooperated until I go home, because the last time I did major work for you all woke up in a homeless shelter bed with homo watching over me saying he could have taken advantage of me but did not because they promise to cure his AIDS. I believe he was Eddie Lee Bobby Lee’s brother whom I hear is fucking the hell out of women now. I guess people can change!
Frank Paul Gambino
Staying on top of the contemporary issues! One point at a time!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Go to Hell
To: President George W. Bush
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Go to Hell
Date: 28 February 2008
February 28, 2008 -- You are about to do something that is completely out of character, something that you would usually be too embarrassed to think about, never mind actually enjoy. Don't worry. No one will think any the less of you for it and, if you are honest with yourself, you wouldn't mind doing it again.
Go to HELL! This conversation is waste of my time!
Now the real shit is this, first of all Janet’s CD is average, meaning there is no number one hit on it and after listening to it what motivates? It was like a waste of one hour of my time. There is no message other than she is fucking, it seems like she was deprived and her nose is wide open. Fuck Janet. And Michael what was this 25 the Anniversary all about I will put both of the CD’s on the shelf and never listen to them again. I am a Michael fan and I am disappointed but Janet, I am not a Janet fan maybe perverts will like that nonsense and her and her perverts can cure their own AIDS. I do not give a shit and if that is what I am going to do so be it.
Don’t allude to no punk ass shit with me, if I do something out of my character it will be outright murder. But I have patience because I know you will eventually have to comeback to me and without worrying about Janet’s stupid nasty ass, time hell, I can wait as long as you can wait. We can play the waiting game until a nuke goes off or another terror strike, because I do not give a fuck. As far as I am concerned you all can kill each other off. When there are no rules, what can I possibly be ashamed off?
Frank Paul Gambino
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Go to Hell
Date: 28 February 2008
February 28, 2008 -- You are about to do something that is completely out of character, something that you would usually be too embarrassed to think about, never mind actually enjoy. Don't worry. No one will think any the less of you for it and, if you are honest with yourself, you wouldn't mind doing it again.
Go to HELL! This conversation is waste of my time!
Now the real shit is this, first of all Janet’s CD is average, meaning there is no number one hit on it and after listening to it what motivates? It was like a waste of one hour of my time. There is no message other than she is fucking, it seems like she was deprived and her nose is wide open. Fuck Janet. And Michael what was this 25 the Anniversary all about I will put both of the CD’s on the shelf and never listen to them again. I am a Michael fan and I am disappointed but Janet, I am not a Janet fan maybe perverts will like that nonsense and her and her perverts can cure their own AIDS. I do not give a shit and if that is what I am going to do so be it.
Don’t allude to no punk ass shit with me, if I do something out of my character it will be outright murder. But I have patience because I know you will eventually have to comeback to me and without worrying about Janet’s stupid nasty ass, time hell, I can wait as long as you can wait. We can play the waiting game until a nuke goes off or another terror strike, because I do not give a fuck. As far as I am concerned you all can kill each other off. When there are no rules, what can I possibly be ashamed off?
Frank Paul Gambino
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Ban on Gay Marriage
To: The Brotherhood & Sisterhood
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Ban on Gay Marriage
Date: 1 June 2007
Date: 26 January 2008
Date: 21 February 2008
I think that a ban on homosexual marriage is a priority, not because of morals, but because of the economic factors.
The way I understand things as far as marriage is concerned, is that whatever you believe in, you are married to. I believe when the Apostle Paul said that he wanted to present you like virgins to the Lord (unmarried), he was talking about preconceived notions. He was talking about religion. He did not want his flock to be married to possibly falsehoods, and he wanted them to be open to ideas that may be the intentions of the Lord. In other words, he did not want his flock to have preconceived notions about what was the Lords will.
If a person is a homosexual and they believe in homosexuality, they are already married to this concept. The piece of paper that makes government recognition of this union, does not make them anymore married then they already are. A marriage license only means that the government recognizes the union. This cannot happen for economic reasons.
We are in a situation whereby the government wants to overhaul the Social Security System. Probably in the near future the age of retirement will go up. When the Social Security System was first designed there were about 5 or 6 people working for everyone on Social Security. If my understanding is correct, by around 2020 there will be more like 2 or 3 people working for everyone on Social Security. The Social Security System is basically a pyramid scheme and for it to continue to work, the average worker will have to be much more productive than those who work today. People will have to do what it once took 6 people to do through technology, to supply the masses with supplies and to take care of the elderly.
If homosexual marriages are recognized by the government it will destroy the Social Security System. It will be like every other homosexual will be eligible for Social Security because their homosexual partner died from AIDS. It is for this reason that I think the Ban on Gay Marriages is a National Priority. Our Nations financial stability is on the line.
RE: Slipping Through the Cracks
I believe the nation is being side tracked and people are taking advantage of it. The shape of the United Supreme Court was reshaped without much media attention or politicians being vocal about it. Now the homosexual community is trying to slip through the cracks with their agenda, while the nation is at war and the economy is uncertain.
The real argument from the homosexual community is that they want government benefits in the same way as heterosexual couples. The issue is not about loving relationships, as it is being presented, it is about health benefits, other benefits and social security.
I think a lot of things should be addressed concurrently with this issue. I do not hear homosexuals fighting for their rights to defend our country openly as homosexuals in the military. They want the same benefits as those who fight and die for our nation, but do not want the right to be a part of that group. The trend of the media is that President Bush is dealing with an issue that is not as important as the gas prices and the war in Iraq. But the media does not mention that the homosexual community is raising the issue at this time. In other words we are supposed to just be sidetracked with all the other problems of the world and ignore these defenseless homosexuals. I do not think so! If they find it timely to raise the issue of “Gay Rights,” I believe the county should respond to this.
I do not think they deserve the right to have the government recognize their same sex unions. Maybe I will change my mind, when they fight to have a Gay Brigade in the United States Military. Maybe I will change my mind when as openly homosexuals they serve in the front line along side with the many men and women who serve and die and get injured in war. I think the media is pro-homosexual and the fight against homosexual marriage is an economic factor that cannot be ignored. If the media wants the United States to deal with what they think are the important issues, then they should tell the homosexuals to put their agenda on the backburner until the nation can have time to properly address the issues. I do not think the nation should be sidetracked with so called important issues, and ignore the homosexual agenda, that is not about loving relationships, but is about government benefits for a diseased ridden community, because of their sexual behavior.
I heard a homosexual couple say that what President Bush is doing is un-Christian, as to say their relationship is. This is the kind of mess the media is presenting to the general public. The American Citizens are being brainwashed into believing that this issue is about something that it not about. It is not about love, it is about benefits and economics and the economy is on the top of the agenda. I wish President Bush would be honest and straightforward with the American people, and tell it like it is the government cannot afford to condone homosexuality, because it would break the bank.
RE: Same Sex Marriage Scenario
This is what is on the line with same sex marriages. In New York first cousins can get married, my father married his first cousin. So now we legalized same sex marriages and things get bad with all of these wars. So the government is forced to bring back the draft. Now what happens if my two nephews Anthony and Charles who are first cousins get married and then get a legal separation?
They are now openly gay based on their union, and they do not live together (No Sex). The one who has a job with the best benefits shares it with the other. And they use the loophole created by President Clinton, “Don’t ask and don’t tell.” But through their union they automatically told, therefore they are exempt from the draft, because openly homosexuals cannot serve in the military. But I am supposed to believe that this issue is about loving relationships? It is about benefits!
Frank Paul Gambino
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Ban on Gay Marriage
Date: 1 June 2007
Date: 26 January 2008
Date: 21 February 2008
I think that a ban on homosexual marriage is a priority, not because of morals, but because of the economic factors.
The way I understand things as far as marriage is concerned, is that whatever you believe in, you are married to. I believe when the Apostle Paul said that he wanted to present you like virgins to the Lord (unmarried), he was talking about preconceived notions. He was talking about religion. He did not want his flock to be married to possibly falsehoods, and he wanted them to be open to ideas that may be the intentions of the Lord. In other words, he did not want his flock to have preconceived notions about what was the Lords will.
If a person is a homosexual and they believe in homosexuality, they are already married to this concept. The piece of paper that makes government recognition of this union, does not make them anymore married then they already are. A marriage license only means that the government recognizes the union. This cannot happen for economic reasons.
We are in a situation whereby the government wants to overhaul the Social Security System. Probably in the near future the age of retirement will go up. When the Social Security System was first designed there were about 5 or 6 people working for everyone on Social Security. If my understanding is correct, by around 2020 there will be more like 2 or 3 people working for everyone on Social Security. The Social Security System is basically a pyramid scheme and for it to continue to work, the average worker will have to be much more productive than those who work today. People will have to do what it once took 6 people to do through technology, to supply the masses with supplies and to take care of the elderly.
If homosexual marriages are recognized by the government it will destroy the Social Security System. It will be like every other homosexual will be eligible for Social Security because their homosexual partner died from AIDS. It is for this reason that I think the Ban on Gay Marriages is a National Priority. Our Nations financial stability is on the line.
RE: Slipping Through the Cracks
I believe the nation is being side tracked and people are taking advantage of it. The shape of the United Supreme Court was reshaped without much media attention or politicians being vocal about it. Now the homosexual community is trying to slip through the cracks with their agenda, while the nation is at war and the economy is uncertain.
The real argument from the homosexual community is that they want government benefits in the same way as heterosexual couples. The issue is not about loving relationships, as it is being presented, it is about health benefits, other benefits and social security.
I think a lot of things should be addressed concurrently with this issue. I do not hear homosexuals fighting for their rights to defend our country openly as homosexuals in the military. They want the same benefits as those who fight and die for our nation, but do not want the right to be a part of that group. The trend of the media is that President Bush is dealing with an issue that is not as important as the gas prices and the war in Iraq. But the media does not mention that the homosexual community is raising the issue at this time. In other words we are supposed to just be sidetracked with all the other problems of the world and ignore these defenseless homosexuals. I do not think so! If they find it timely to raise the issue of “Gay Rights,” I believe the county should respond to this.
I do not think they deserve the right to have the government recognize their same sex unions. Maybe I will change my mind, when they fight to have a Gay Brigade in the United States Military. Maybe I will change my mind when as openly homosexuals they serve in the front line along side with the many men and women who serve and die and get injured in war. I think the media is pro-homosexual and the fight against homosexual marriage is an economic factor that cannot be ignored. If the media wants the United States to deal with what they think are the important issues, then they should tell the homosexuals to put their agenda on the backburner until the nation can have time to properly address the issues. I do not think the nation should be sidetracked with so called important issues, and ignore the homosexual agenda, that is not about loving relationships, but is about government benefits for a diseased ridden community, because of their sexual behavior.
I heard a homosexual couple say that what President Bush is doing is un-Christian, as to say their relationship is. This is the kind of mess the media is presenting to the general public. The American Citizens are being brainwashed into believing that this issue is about something that it not about. It is not about love, it is about benefits and economics and the economy is on the top of the agenda. I wish President Bush would be honest and straightforward with the American people, and tell it like it is the government cannot afford to condone homosexuality, because it would break the bank.
RE: Same Sex Marriage Scenario
This is what is on the line with same sex marriages. In New York first cousins can get married, my father married his first cousin. So now we legalized same sex marriages and things get bad with all of these wars. So the government is forced to bring back the draft. Now what happens if my two nephews Anthony and Charles who are first cousins get married and then get a legal separation?
They are now openly gay based on their union, and they do not live together (No Sex). The one who has a job with the best benefits shares it with the other. And they use the loophole created by President Clinton, “Don’t ask and don’t tell.” But through their union they automatically told, therefore they are exempt from the draft, because openly homosexuals cannot serve in the military. But I am supposed to believe that this issue is about loving relationships? It is about benefits!
Frank Paul Gambino
Rule Number Two Contingent to Rule Number One
Rule Number Two Contingent to Rule Number One
If rule number two is not enforced there is not rule number one and therefore I can act on my own.
Question: In whose name could Janet and Jermaine marry in God or Satan?
To: The Freemasons
From: Paul
The Symbolic Wedding
I want my wedding to be symbolic of the marriage to the Church being both Jews and Gentiles. If I say I am married I am married, so this ceremony does not make anything official between me, Latoya and Janet, but it does make our Brotherhood and Sisterhood official through the vows to the unification of the Church.
I do not want the wedding to be open to the public, but it can be filmed, we have more that enough people whereby many of them will not be able to come to the ceremony. I want the Freemasons to put some thought into this ritual; it has to have true spiritual meaning and insight through physical allusions.
We can plan this ceremony into the future after all of the negotiations have taken place, you can look at my wedding as a allegiance of Brothers and Sisters under one banner and to have an allegiance, there must first be an agreement that they all can live by. “Your word is your bond.” Many are called but few are chosen!
The Brotherhood & Sisterhood
Frank Paul Gambino
No Divorce or Annulment Clause
I will take back the demand for a prenuptial agreement or mid-nuptial agreement; I admit I probably made them into a couple of nut cases. However, I do demand a “No Divorce or Annulment Clause.” The reason I wanted the prenuptial agreement is because Janet told me during the Integration that if she got tired of me, she would mistreat me to the point that I want her to leave. So they will always be under my budget, but if they team up on me to mistreat me, I will just assume to find a concubine of something. They will never get out of this marriage. I will always provide for them and love them, but they cannot systematically mistreat me, because they know that they can.
To: President George W. Bush & the United States Congress
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Opening Statement to Final Settlement Request
Date 6 October 2007
This is the foundation of what I want for myself, my family and my men. I wrote this around 22 August 2006. I think the best time to get serious about the negotiations is after I go home. I do not want to chance us finding another excuse for me to stay away from my wives. Once I go home we will get a KEY and get the information I am not conscious of, there should be a lot of numbers and information tuck away in my mind, that will require a KEY to get to it.
I do not want a bunch of liquid capital; I want my money invested into the economy. By printing more money the value of the dollar will go down and the price of American goods will become more competitive. Buy American will make economic sense!
NOTE: Printing money is unnecessary we will actually be giving money back to the government
I get a Presidential Pardon before we release cures to diseases & other Technologies:
Updated: 11 July 2007:
Business Handlers
#1: I and My Administration
#2: Freemasons Board
#3: The Knights of Columbus Board
#4: Heads of the Five Families of New York – The Commission
#5: Queensbridge – The Jones Family is the sixth family called the Gallo Family
#6: Crips & Bloods Board under one Banner – The Freemasons
#6: Board of Clergymen Leaders
#7: Lawyers & Paralegals ($10 billion Legal Fees Fund) – Help people being released from prison and establish estates
#8: Accounting Firms
#9: Business Management Firms
Western Corporation
#1: Lending Institution
#2: Insurance Company
#3: Land (Farms and Agriculture)
#4: Construction Companies
#5: Trucking Companies
#6: Warehouses
#7: Supermarkets
#8: Packing Plant
#9: Sugar, Salt and Flour Production Plant
Media and Entertainment
#1: Paramount Pictures (Pictures)
#2: Warner Music Group & EMI or Paramount Music (Music)
#3: Warren Communications (Newspapers) will expand
#4: Clear Channel Communications
#5: Casinos & OTB (Gambling) will make profitable
#6: New York Knickerbockers (Added to List) for the kids
#7: Cable Companies (Added to List)
#8: Control of Hotels in New York City / Legalized Casio Gambling will give men something constructive to do.
Energy and Transportation
#1: Oil Company (Energy) will develop an alternative form of energy and our cars will be designed to use it.
#2: Heavy Stock in General Motors (Auto) will design cars for them
#3: Car Dealerships (Added to List)
#1: Undeveloped Land (For Real Estate & Wood)
#2: Gambino Research Facility (Technology & Pharmaceuticals) (25%)
#3: Federal Prison: Located in Florida
#4: Federalized Crips: Former members of Covert Operations and Elite Units
If people break the rules, I figure we can just send out the Federal Crips and put them in prison, until they get it right.
From here they can just select businesses they want to get into. I think this is a very good foundation.
RE: Settlement
The settlement is $1 Trillion. My cut is $100 Billion. I will use this to settle with my family, friends and certain organizations. If Bill Gates can have this kind of money so can I. I will disperse about $50 Billion to all parties. I will use the $900 Billion to settle everyone else. I will settle with the African Americans (Jews or Zulus) that I see eye to eye with; the rest can fight for their reparations, I do not care. Also, I will settle with the Gentiles. Basically I will settle with the Church, being those who will support our cause, whom are true Jews if they are chosen. I think this is a fair deal, considering Iraq!
The way I see it, I will have about $425 Billion to $450 Billion after I take care of my men and women, to settle with the church. Those who are called Jews as far as I am concerned are actually Gentiles, but if they insist on being Jews so be it, because I will treat all members of the church the same way. In the same way I will establish a bank to settle with my men; I will also establish a bank for them.
My annual budget will be based on the interest payments of my total assets, which will be 20%; this will allow me to support the economy instead of trying to monopolize it. Plus I want 25% of the profits made by the Gambino Enterprises, being the two research divisions. The other 75% will go to share holders. I will pay taxes on my income and then do charity with the balance minus the rate of inflation which will accumulate into my estate to maintain the actual value of my assets. My settlement is after taxes, it does not make sense to print the money to tax me, you figure out what the taxes is and add to the settlement. Everyone else will pay their taxes out of the settlement.
Lending Power: $9 Trillion
#1: Frank Paul Jones
#2: Paul Castellano
#3: Frank Paul Gotti
#4: Frank Paul Gambino
#5: Capstone Zulu
#6: King Jesus Paul Solomon
#7: Name not to be announced to Public – Take a wild Guess!
If rule number two is not enforced there is not rule number one and therefore I can act on my own.
Question: In whose name could Janet and Jermaine marry in God or Satan?
To: The Freemasons
From: Paul
The Symbolic Wedding
I want my wedding to be symbolic of the marriage to the Church being both Jews and Gentiles. If I say I am married I am married, so this ceremony does not make anything official between me, Latoya and Janet, but it does make our Brotherhood and Sisterhood official through the vows to the unification of the Church.
I do not want the wedding to be open to the public, but it can be filmed, we have more that enough people whereby many of them will not be able to come to the ceremony. I want the Freemasons to put some thought into this ritual; it has to have true spiritual meaning and insight through physical allusions.
We can plan this ceremony into the future after all of the negotiations have taken place, you can look at my wedding as a allegiance of Brothers and Sisters under one banner and to have an allegiance, there must first be an agreement that they all can live by. “Your word is your bond.” Many are called but few are chosen!
The Brotherhood & Sisterhood
Frank Paul Gambino
No Divorce or Annulment Clause
I will take back the demand for a prenuptial agreement or mid-nuptial agreement; I admit I probably made them into a couple of nut cases. However, I do demand a “No Divorce or Annulment Clause.” The reason I wanted the prenuptial agreement is because Janet told me during the Integration that if she got tired of me, she would mistreat me to the point that I want her to leave. So they will always be under my budget, but if they team up on me to mistreat me, I will just assume to find a concubine of something. They will never get out of this marriage. I will always provide for them and love them, but they cannot systematically mistreat me, because they know that they can.
To: President George W. Bush & the United States Congress
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Opening Statement to Final Settlement Request
Date 6 October 2007
This is the foundation of what I want for myself, my family and my men. I wrote this around 22 August 2006. I think the best time to get serious about the negotiations is after I go home. I do not want to chance us finding another excuse for me to stay away from my wives. Once I go home we will get a KEY and get the information I am not conscious of, there should be a lot of numbers and information tuck away in my mind, that will require a KEY to get to it.
I do not want a bunch of liquid capital; I want my money invested into the economy. By printing more money the value of the dollar will go down and the price of American goods will become more competitive. Buy American will make economic sense!
NOTE: Printing money is unnecessary we will actually be giving money back to the government
I get a Presidential Pardon before we release cures to diseases & other Technologies:
Updated: 11 July 2007:
Business Handlers
#1: I and My Administration
#2: Freemasons Board
#3: The Knights of Columbus Board
#4: Heads of the Five Families of New York – The Commission
#5: Queensbridge – The Jones Family is the sixth family called the Gallo Family
#6: Crips & Bloods Board under one Banner – The Freemasons
#6: Board of Clergymen Leaders
#7: Lawyers & Paralegals ($10 billion Legal Fees Fund) – Help people being released from prison and establish estates
#8: Accounting Firms
#9: Business Management Firms
Western Corporation
#1: Lending Institution
#2: Insurance Company
#3: Land (Farms and Agriculture)
#4: Construction Companies
#5: Trucking Companies
#6: Warehouses
#7: Supermarkets
#8: Packing Plant
#9: Sugar, Salt and Flour Production Plant
Media and Entertainment
#1: Paramount Pictures (Pictures)
#2: Warner Music Group & EMI or Paramount Music (Music)
#3: Warren Communications (Newspapers) will expand
#4: Clear Channel Communications
#5: Casinos & OTB (Gambling) will make profitable
#6: New York Knickerbockers (Added to List) for the kids
#7: Cable Companies (Added to List)
#8: Control of Hotels in New York City / Legalized Casio Gambling will give men something constructive to do.
Energy and Transportation
#1: Oil Company (Energy) will develop an alternative form of energy and our cars will be designed to use it.
#2: Heavy Stock in General Motors (Auto) will design cars for them
#3: Car Dealerships (Added to List)
#1: Undeveloped Land (For Real Estate & Wood)
#2: Gambino Research Facility (Technology & Pharmaceuticals) (25%)
#3: Federal Prison: Located in Florida
#4: Federalized Crips: Former members of Covert Operations and Elite Units
If people break the rules, I figure we can just send out the Federal Crips and put them in prison, until they get it right.
From here they can just select businesses they want to get into. I think this is a very good foundation.
RE: Settlement
The settlement is $1 Trillion. My cut is $100 Billion. I will use this to settle with my family, friends and certain organizations. If Bill Gates can have this kind of money so can I. I will disperse about $50 Billion to all parties. I will use the $900 Billion to settle everyone else. I will settle with the African Americans (Jews or Zulus) that I see eye to eye with; the rest can fight for their reparations, I do not care. Also, I will settle with the Gentiles. Basically I will settle with the Church, being those who will support our cause, whom are true Jews if they are chosen. I think this is a fair deal, considering Iraq!
The way I see it, I will have about $425 Billion to $450 Billion after I take care of my men and women, to settle with the church. Those who are called Jews as far as I am concerned are actually Gentiles, but if they insist on being Jews so be it, because I will treat all members of the church the same way. In the same way I will establish a bank to settle with my men; I will also establish a bank for them.
My annual budget will be based on the interest payments of my total assets, which will be 20%; this will allow me to support the economy instead of trying to monopolize it. Plus I want 25% of the profits made by the Gambino Enterprises, being the two research divisions. The other 75% will go to share holders. I will pay taxes on my income and then do charity with the balance minus the rate of inflation which will accumulate into my estate to maintain the actual value of my assets. My settlement is after taxes, it does not make sense to print the money to tax me, you figure out what the taxes is and add to the settlement. Everyone else will pay their taxes out of the settlement.
Lending Power: $9 Trillion
#1: Frank Paul Jones
#2: Paul Castellano
#3: Frank Paul Gotti
#4: Frank Paul Gambino
#5: Capstone Zulu
#6: King Jesus Paul Solomon
#7: Name not to be announced to Public – Take a wild Guess!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Are you serious?
To: Janet & Latoya
From: Paul
RE: Are you serious?
Date: 14 February 2008
I am about to call it the night. I saw that crazy stuff Janet posted and Latoya is not far behind; if that is what you call expressing yourselves feel free to do so. In fact I notice that stuff got responses and it might give Janet’s CD a BUZZ. Do I think it is right? No! But my word is my bond and I said feel free to express yourselves, but honestly I had no idea it was that bad.
I do not know if this is real or fantasy for Janet, but I lived that shit. Like I said I did about everything and what I did not or would not do was done to me. I wrote about it in my Screenplay, but I do not talk like that anymore. I think Hollywood needs a face lift and it just seems like just when the Writers Guild ended the strike Janet comes out with some interesting crazy shit. Is this a coincidence?
In any case I am making my share of haters and I really do not have anymore than what I need to do what I will have to do. I am not making much money but people hate to see a person do the right thing and I have to admit I write some outspoken stuff, like what I said about the Pope or so-called pope probably upset a few people, and if so, than so be it.
I read this article that I cannot say I agree with it 100% but who agrees with anyone 100%, but the person went deep into the Bible to use the Bible to prove his point which is that the Pope is not all that he claims to be, I will setup a hyperlink for anyone who is interested in scripture that proves Peter is a lie. Click Peter is a lie!
They had an event here today and will have another tomorrow, people came together and socialized it was cool. I am going to relax and get ready for tomorrow. Janet and Latoya you’ll are ballistic, I hope you’ll are not all talk and no action, in the future that is; I hope it is all talk now and the past life events and experiences. We all did what we had to do in life! I cannot assist you’ll with this but I can do not interfere.
Love Paul
From: Paul
RE: Are you serious?
Date: 14 February 2008
I am about to call it the night. I saw that crazy stuff Janet posted and Latoya is not far behind; if that is what you call expressing yourselves feel free to do so. In fact I notice that stuff got responses and it might give Janet’s CD a BUZZ. Do I think it is right? No! But my word is my bond and I said feel free to express yourselves, but honestly I had no idea it was that bad.
I do not know if this is real or fantasy for Janet, but I lived that shit. Like I said I did about everything and what I did not or would not do was done to me. I wrote about it in my Screenplay, but I do not talk like that anymore. I think Hollywood needs a face lift and it just seems like just when the Writers Guild ended the strike Janet comes out with some interesting crazy shit. Is this a coincidence?
In any case I am making my share of haters and I really do not have anymore than what I need to do what I will have to do. I am not making much money but people hate to see a person do the right thing and I have to admit I write some outspoken stuff, like what I said about the Pope or so-called pope probably upset a few people, and if so, than so be it.
I read this article that I cannot say I agree with it 100% but who agrees with anyone 100%, but the person went deep into the Bible to use the Bible to prove his point which is that the Pope is not all that he claims to be, I will setup a hyperlink for anyone who is interested in scripture that proves Peter is a lie. Click Peter is a lie!
They had an event here today and will have another tomorrow, people came together and socialized it was cool. I am going to relax and get ready for tomorrow. Janet and Latoya you’ll are ballistic, I hope you’ll are not all talk and no action, in the future that is; I hope it is all talk now and the past life events and experiences. We all did what we had to do in life! I cannot assist you’ll with this but I can do not interfere.
Love Paul
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The New World Order
(Novus Ordo Seclorum), a “New World of the Ages.”
Mt 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
Mt 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
Jn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Jn 1:2 He was with God in the beginning.
1:1) In the beginning the founding fathers fabricated the state of Kingdom and Reality. 1:2) At this point reality wasn't governed by any authority, and had no purpose. Ignorance was upon the so-called profound people, they were very superficial. Those who were loyal to the founding fathers were in a state of uncertainty, over the choices that had to be made. 1:3) And, the founding fathers said, "Let there be enlightenment," and there was enlightenment. 1:4) The founding fathers saw that the enlightenment was good, and he separated the enlightenment from the ignorance. 1:5) The founding fathers called the enlightenment "Opportunity," and the ignorance he called "non-productivity." And there was a negotiation at the end of the - First opportunity.
1:6) And, God the founding fathers said in the strictest confidence, "Let there be superstitions to separate good choices from bad choices." 1:7) So God the founding fathers made the superstitious beliefs and separated the bad choices under the superstitions, from the good choices above its laws. And it was so. 1:8) The founding fathers called the superstitions "Logical." And there was a negotiation at the end of the - Second opportunity.
1:9) And the founding fathers said, "Let those who are superstitious (Believers of false religions) be gathered to one place, and let an uninspired foundation appear." And it was so. 1:10) The founding fathers called the uninspired foundation "Oppression," and the superstitious who were gathered he called "Confused Fools." And the founding fathers saw to it, that this foolishness was believable. 1:11) Then the founding fathers said, "Let the oppression create monotonous people; People who spiritually and mentally vegetate and procreate according to their various false beliefs." And it was so. 1:12) The oppression created people who vegetate; a state of mind carried on, from generation to generation, who procreate according to their false beliefs. And there was a negotiation at the end of the - Third opportunity.
1:14) And the founding fathers said, "Let there be a system of understanding in the false religions, to make them seem logical to the fellowships, to separate the opportunity from those who are lost in non-productivity, and let this false logic, serve as tokens to identify situations in progress, in a confused fashion. 1:15) And, let there be understanding in the superstitions (False religions) that will allow the truly logical Fellowships, to be able to understand the enlightenment of reality, that exist within the falsehoods." And it was so. 1:16) The founding fathers made two great interpretations concerning New World affairs, the Greater Enlightenment to govern over Opportunity, by those who are loyal to him, and the lesser non enlightenment to make oppression and repression self governed, by those who are in darkness. He therefore created his future destiny. 1:17) The founding fathers established the future destiny of false religions, as well as those who understood the truth, 1:18) to be able to control both opportunity and non productivity, to his pleasure, as he separated enlightenment from ignorance. And the founding fathers saw to it that it was believable. 1:19) And there was a negotiation at the end of - the Fourth opportunity.
1:20) And the founding fathers said, "Let the realm of possibilities spread rapidly among the vigorous servants, and let the simple minded see a glance of the truth, concerning the falsehoods in certain religions, so that there will be disagreements." 1:21) So the founding fathers created great servants for the confused to follow, and he created every vigorous and active branch of knowledge, so that the choices would spread rapidly, and according to their beliefs, the simple minded learned based on their character. And the founding fathers saw that it was believable. 1:22) The founding fathers favored them (The great servants over the Confused) and said, "Be productive and increase in number, and fulfill my decision and let the simple minded develop a sense of reality." 1:23) And there was a negotiation at the end of the - Fifth opportunity.
1:24) And the founding fathers said, "Let the oppression create opportunities to become vigorous servants according to their beliefs, household servants to clean our homes, servants that will control the action on the streets, as well as drug addicts, and people with other plights, each according to their nature and character." And it was so. 1:25) the founding fathers made the drug addicts out of the poor Black communities, and created those who controlled this action according to favoritism. And the founding fathers saw to it that it was again believable. 1:26) Then the founding fathers said, "Let us make one who pledges to our allegiance (A Pact), in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the gullible, who are confused and the simple minded, who know a little about the truth, let us put them over all that is reality, and over all the servants that enforce and control the activities of oppression and repression." 1:27) So the founding fathers created one who pledged to his allegiance, in his own image, in the image of Satan. He created him. He created the Laws over Mankind, those who enforces the Laws, the So-Called Mafia to control the action of the streets, to keep the poor repressed, he created the {Secret Orders}, to protect his most valued interest, which is his knowledge and ability to deceive the masses, and therefore control the World, and he created them all. 1:28) The founding fathers favored them and said to them, "Be productive and increase in number, fulfill reality and control it. Rule over the gullible and the simple minded and over every servant of oppression." 1:29) Then the founding fathers said, "I give you everyone who vegetates and procreates according to their false beliefs. They are yours to profit from, just make sure I get my percentage of (10%). 1:30) And to all who are uncivilized, simple minded and all the servants of oppression who vegetate, I give you all self destruction." 1:31) The founding fathers saw that all that he had fabricated (Falsehoods), was very convincing to the weak minded which was Mostly everyone. And there was a negotiation at the end of - Sixth opportunity.
2:1) Accordingly Satan's Kingdom and the reality of the masses, was completed to accommodate the ruling class. 2:2) By the seventh opportunity the founding fathers completed the job he had done. So on the seventh opportunity he recessed from all his work. And the founding fathers favored the seventh opportunity and felt his creations were indisputable, and could not be overcome by any Man, only because of this, did he recess from all the work of creating that he had done.
Mt 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
Mt 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
Jn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Jn 1:2 He was with God in the beginning.
1:1) In the beginning the founding fathers fabricated the state of Kingdom and Reality. 1:2) At this point reality wasn't governed by any authority, and had no purpose. Ignorance was upon the so-called profound people, they were very superficial. Those who were loyal to the founding fathers were in a state of uncertainty, over the choices that had to be made. 1:3) And, the founding fathers said, "Let there be enlightenment," and there was enlightenment. 1:4) The founding fathers saw that the enlightenment was good, and he separated the enlightenment from the ignorance. 1:5) The founding fathers called the enlightenment "Opportunity," and the ignorance he called "non-productivity." And there was a negotiation at the end of the - First opportunity.
1:6) And, God the founding fathers said in the strictest confidence, "Let there be superstitions to separate good choices from bad choices." 1:7) So God the founding fathers made the superstitious beliefs and separated the bad choices under the superstitions, from the good choices above its laws. And it was so. 1:8) The founding fathers called the superstitions "Logical." And there was a negotiation at the end of the - Second opportunity.
1:9) And the founding fathers said, "Let those who are superstitious (Believers of false religions) be gathered to one place, and let an uninspired foundation appear." And it was so. 1:10) The founding fathers called the uninspired foundation "Oppression," and the superstitious who were gathered he called "Confused Fools." And the founding fathers saw to it, that this foolishness was believable. 1:11) Then the founding fathers said, "Let the oppression create monotonous people; People who spiritually and mentally vegetate and procreate according to their various false beliefs." And it was so. 1:12) The oppression created people who vegetate; a state of mind carried on, from generation to generation, who procreate according to their false beliefs. And there was a negotiation at the end of the - Third opportunity.
1:14) And the founding fathers said, "Let there be a system of understanding in the false religions, to make them seem logical to the fellowships, to separate the opportunity from those who are lost in non-productivity, and let this false logic, serve as tokens to identify situations in progress, in a confused fashion. 1:15) And, let there be understanding in the superstitions (False religions) that will allow the truly logical Fellowships, to be able to understand the enlightenment of reality, that exist within the falsehoods." And it was so. 1:16) The founding fathers made two great interpretations concerning New World affairs, the Greater Enlightenment to govern over Opportunity, by those who are loyal to him, and the lesser non enlightenment to make oppression and repression self governed, by those who are in darkness. He therefore created his future destiny. 1:17) The founding fathers established the future destiny of false religions, as well as those who understood the truth, 1:18) to be able to control both opportunity and non productivity, to his pleasure, as he separated enlightenment from ignorance. And the founding fathers saw to it that it was believable. 1:19) And there was a negotiation at the end of - the Fourth opportunity.
1:20) And the founding fathers said, "Let the realm of possibilities spread rapidly among the vigorous servants, and let the simple minded see a glance of the truth, concerning the falsehoods in certain religions, so that there will be disagreements." 1:21) So the founding fathers created great servants for the confused to follow, and he created every vigorous and active branch of knowledge, so that the choices would spread rapidly, and according to their beliefs, the simple minded learned based on their character. And the founding fathers saw that it was believable. 1:22) The founding fathers favored them (The great servants over the Confused) and said, "Be productive and increase in number, and fulfill my decision and let the simple minded develop a sense of reality." 1:23) And there was a negotiation at the end of the - Fifth opportunity.
1:24) And the founding fathers said, "Let the oppression create opportunities to become vigorous servants according to their beliefs, household servants to clean our homes, servants that will control the action on the streets, as well as drug addicts, and people with other plights, each according to their nature and character." And it was so. 1:25) the founding fathers made the drug addicts out of the poor Black communities, and created those who controlled this action according to favoritism. And the founding fathers saw to it that it was again believable. 1:26) Then the founding fathers said, "Let us make one who pledges to our allegiance (A Pact), in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the gullible, who are confused and the simple minded, who know a little about the truth, let us put them over all that is reality, and over all the servants that enforce and control the activities of oppression and repression." 1:27) So the founding fathers created one who pledged to his allegiance, in his own image, in the image of Satan. He created him. He created the Laws over Mankind, those who enforces the Laws, the So-Called Mafia to control the action of the streets, to keep the poor repressed, he created the {Secret Orders}, to protect his most valued interest, which is his knowledge and ability to deceive the masses, and therefore control the World, and he created them all. 1:28) The founding fathers favored them and said to them, "Be productive and increase in number, fulfill reality and control it. Rule over the gullible and the simple minded and over every servant of oppression." 1:29) Then the founding fathers said, "I give you everyone who vegetates and procreates according to their false beliefs. They are yours to profit from, just make sure I get my percentage of (10%). 1:30) And to all who are uncivilized, simple minded and all the servants of oppression who vegetate, I give you all self destruction." 1:31) The founding fathers saw that all that he had fabricated (Falsehoods), was very convincing to the weak minded which was Mostly everyone. And there was a negotiation at the end of - Sixth opportunity.
2:1) Accordingly Satan's Kingdom and the reality of the masses, was completed to accommodate the ruling class. 2:2) By the seventh opportunity the founding fathers completed the job he had done. So on the seventh opportunity he recessed from all his work. And the founding fathers favored the seventh opportunity and felt his creations were indisputable, and could not be overcome by any Man, only because of this, did he recess from all the work of creating that he had done.
The Faulty Accounting & the 430 Years:
The Faulty Accounting & the 430 Years:
[Question]: You didn't tell me the Supreme Mathematics of the Day?
[Answer]: We will call this the Egypt to Israel Faulty Accounting!
[Question]: Why?
[Answer]: Because the Numbers don't square!
Mathematics made simple: 430 years in Egypt = Symbol of being in Slavery! The first ship with slaves is said to have arrived in America in 1619? 1619 + 430 = 2049. Now the birth of the Son was in 1959 or 0059 or 0001 or [AD 05?] According to the Roman Catholic Church & the Birth of Paul, he was born AD 05? I can call them confused and say if Apostle Paul was born [AD 05] and I AM 44, then today we are living in AD 0049 - 40 from the 0089 = Now! = 0049. Or if the Son was born on AD 1, and is 48 years old we are living in AD 0049. Now if King Jesus Paul Solomon is the Three Great Lights contrary to the false teachings of Freemasonry then the problem is their accounting! Why? If slavery was introduced here in 1619 = 381 before the second coming of G if we believe there is a Savior, he must remove slavery, am I correct, if we duly recognize 2000 years? Furthermore 381 + 49 = 430, the accounting does not square.
Then if the Birth of the Savior is the Beginning of AD = Anno Domini = in a specified year of the Christian era = in the year of The Lord or AD 01? Therefore, until AD 05 Paul wasn't born or made yet.
Therefore Paul cannot be accountable for anything before AD 05 or 1964. Now we can call the Marches in 1963 the Marching Orders into the Wilderness which took place over 40 year ago. Therefore the 430 years are up either in 2007 or 2008, depending on your supreme mathematics. We are in Israel which the land of milk and honey, it is not located in the Middle East in a desert.
[Question]: You didn't tell me the Supreme Mathematics of the Day?
[Answer]: We will call this the Egypt to Israel Faulty Accounting!
[Question]: Why?
[Answer]: Because the Numbers don't square!
Mathematics made simple: 430 years in Egypt = Symbol of being in Slavery! The first ship with slaves is said to have arrived in America in 1619? 1619 + 430 = 2049. Now the birth of the Son was in 1959 or 0059 or 0001 or [AD 05?] According to the Roman Catholic Church & the Birth of Paul, he was born AD 05? I can call them confused and say if Apostle Paul was born [AD 05] and I AM 44, then today we are living in AD 0049 - 40 from the 0089 = Now! = 0049. Or if the Son was born on AD 1, and is 48 years old we are living in AD 0049. Now if King Jesus Paul Solomon is the Three Great Lights contrary to the false teachings of Freemasonry then the problem is their accounting! Why? If slavery was introduced here in 1619 = 381 before the second coming of G if we believe there is a Savior, he must remove slavery, am I correct, if we duly recognize 2000 years? Furthermore 381 + 49 = 430, the accounting does not square.
Then if the Birth of the Savior is the Beginning of AD = Anno Domini = in a specified year of the Christian era = in the year of The Lord or AD 01? Therefore, until AD 05 Paul wasn't born or made yet.
Therefore Paul cannot be accountable for anything before AD 05 or 1964. Now we can call the Marches in 1963 the Marching Orders into the Wilderness which took place over 40 year ago. Therefore the 430 years are up either in 2007 or 2008, depending on your supreme mathematics. We are in Israel which the land of milk and honey, it is not located in the Middle East in a desert.
The Two Americas - A government within the Government the Illuminati
The Two Americas - A government within the Government the Illuminati
Researched by: KJPS in 0043
To: The Order of Kingdom Hall Freemasonry:
RE: Follow me here! I will prove the Constitution of the United States of America, does not exist, and the So-called Congress as we know them is nothing but a front. They have no power over President George W. Bush decision to go to war or not go to war!
After the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, with its references to "united colonies," the Continental Congress set to work on the task of drawing up a document that would provide a legal framework for that union, and would be enforceable as the law of the new land. After the Colonial victory in the Revolutionary War, it became obvious to the Founding Fathers that the original attempt -- the document you have just downloaded - would not be equal to the task of providing the equitable law which they sought. Therefore, in 1787 a Convention was called to draft a new Constitution of the United States. [NOTE: This is Bullshit]!
From: The Confederation of the United States of America:
To all to whom these presents shall come, we the undersigned delegates of the States affixed to our Names send greeting. Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Note: There are 13 Original States in the Union!
Article # 1
The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America". {[Stile]}: {Probably used to represent one who is a member of an Organization or group!}
Article # 2
Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.
Article # 10
The Committee of the States, or any nine of them, shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of Congress, such of the powers of congress as the United States in Congress assembled, by the consent of the nine States, shall from time to time think expedient to vest them with; provided that no power be delegated to the said Committee, for the exercise of which, by the Articles of Confederation, the voice of nine States in the Congress of the United States assembled be requisite.
Article # 11
Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States.
Article # 13
Every State shall abide by the determination of the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.
And Whereas it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in Congress, to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual
Union Know Ye that we the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that purpose, do by these presents, in the name and in behalf of our respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said Articles of confederation and perpetual Union, and all and singular the matters and things therein contained; and we do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions, which by the said Confederation are submitted to them. And that the Articles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the States we respectively represent, and that the Union shall be perpetual.
In Witness thereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania the ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight, and in the Third Year of the independence of America. Agreed to by Congress 17 November 1777, in force after ratification by Maryland, 1 March 1781
From: The Constitution of the United States of America:
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Article # 6
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or
laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a
qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Article # 7
The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,
G. Washington - Presidt. and deputy from Virginia
New Hampshire: John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman
Massachusetts: Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King
Connecticut: Wm. Saml. Johnson, Roger Sherman
New York: Alexander Hamilton
New Jersey: Wil. Livingston, David Brearly, Wm. Paterson, Jona. Dayton
Pennsylvania: B. Franklin, Thomas Mifflin, Robt. Morris, Geo. Clymer,
Thos. FitzSimons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Gouv Morris
Delaware: Geo. Read, Gunning Bedford jr, John Dickinson, Richard Bassett,
Jaco. Broom
Maryland: James McHenry, Dan of St Thos. Jenifer, Danl Carroll
Virginia: John Blair, James Madison Jr.
North Carolina: Wm. Blount, Richd. Dobbs Spaight, Hu Williamson
South Carolina: J. Rutledge, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Pierce Butler
Georgia: William Few, Abr Baldwin
#1) Where is "Bay Rhode Island & Providence Plantations?" This is a hold out, and it makes all this bullshit ass Constitutional crap VOID!
#2) Did Virginia witness this twice?
#3) Article 13 of The Confederation of The United States clearly states that the articles of the Confederation is to be inviolably {Secure from violation or invincible} observed, perpetual, and any alteration must be confirmed by the legislatures of every state. Again, where is Rhode Island? Every State did not witness this So-called Constitution!
#4) President George W. Bush, is against quotas? O.K. Explain Article number 9 of the United States Confederation that states, as we deal with War Powers? Dominated "A committee of States" and mentions, "Alliance or military operations, as in their judgment require secrecy" The Term Cloathed in its use: Again is this Secrecy? And, the real {bombshell}, the new White House term: "From each State for its quota, in proportion to the number of White inhabitants in such State? Come on? The Power Structure of this damn country is based on QUOTAS, what kind of shit are we pulling here? QUOTAS?
The bottom-line is this; there are two America's here. The real deal has never been legally altered, being the perpetual alliance known as the Confederation of The United States of America. That is one Congress, and then we have this bullshit Constitution that isn't even real, of the United States, this is the other Congress! This Constitution we now claim, cannot be reality, until all the original 13 States bear witness and confirm first to an alteration to the Confederation, that can lead to an establishment called a Constitution, then perhaps in the Constitution the term Amendment may have meaning. To Amend or correct something, that by design is a deception is bullshit!
The Bottom Line is this, the So-Call Congress is actually powerless, and has no right by law to determine if President Bush goes to War or not! The real Congress consists of 13 States, because Rhode Island held out, and Virginia made two votes!
Capstone Zulu
The Zulus Traveled North & Those Who Traveled East Got Lost!
Researched by: KJPS in 0043
To: The Order of Kingdom Hall Freemasonry:
RE: Follow me here! I will prove the Constitution of the United States of America, does not exist, and the So-called Congress as we know them is nothing but a front. They have no power over President George W. Bush decision to go to war or not go to war!
After the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, with its references to "united colonies," the Continental Congress set to work on the task of drawing up a document that would provide a legal framework for that union, and would be enforceable as the law of the new land. After the Colonial victory in the Revolutionary War, it became obvious to the Founding Fathers that the original attempt -- the document you have just downloaded - would not be equal to the task of providing the equitable law which they sought. Therefore, in 1787 a Convention was called to draft a new Constitution of the United States. [NOTE: This is Bullshit]!
From: The Confederation of the United States of America:
To all to whom these presents shall come, we the undersigned delegates of the States affixed to our Names send greeting. Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Note: There are 13 Original States in the Union!
Article # 1
The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America". {[Stile]}: {Probably used to represent one who is a member of an Organization or group!}
Article # 2
Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.
Article # 10
The Committee of the States, or any nine of them, shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of Congress, such of the powers of congress as the United States in Congress assembled, by the consent of the nine States, shall from time to time think expedient to vest them with; provided that no power be delegated to the said Committee, for the exercise of which, by the Articles of Confederation, the voice of nine States in the Congress of the United States assembled be requisite.
Article # 11
Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States.
Article # 13
Every State shall abide by the determination of the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.
And Whereas it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in Congress, to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual
Union Know Ye that we the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that purpose, do by these presents, in the name and in behalf of our respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said Articles of confederation and perpetual Union, and all and singular the matters and things therein contained; and we do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions, which by the said Confederation are submitted to them. And that the Articles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the States we respectively represent, and that the Union shall be perpetual.
In Witness thereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania the ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight, and in the Third Year of the independence of America. Agreed to by Congress 17 November 1777, in force after ratification by Maryland, 1 March 1781
From: The Constitution of the United States of America:
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Article # 6
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or
laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a
qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Article # 7
The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,
G. Washington - Presidt. and deputy from Virginia
New Hampshire: John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman
Massachusetts: Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King
Connecticut: Wm. Saml. Johnson, Roger Sherman
New York: Alexander Hamilton
New Jersey: Wil. Livingston, David Brearly, Wm. Paterson, Jona. Dayton
Pennsylvania: B. Franklin, Thomas Mifflin, Robt. Morris, Geo. Clymer,
Thos. FitzSimons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Gouv Morris
Delaware: Geo. Read, Gunning Bedford jr, John Dickinson, Richard Bassett,
Jaco. Broom
Maryland: James McHenry, Dan of St Thos. Jenifer, Danl Carroll
Virginia: John Blair, James Madison Jr.
North Carolina: Wm. Blount, Richd. Dobbs Spaight, Hu Williamson
South Carolina: J. Rutledge, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Pierce Butler
Georgia: William Few, Abr Baldwin
#1) Where is "Bay Rhode Island & Providence Plantations?" This is a hold out, and it makes all this bullshit ass Constitutional crap VOID!
#2) Did Virginia witness this twice?
#3) Article 13 of The Confederation of The United States clearly states that the articles of the Confederation is to be inviolably {Secure from violation or invincible} observed, perpetual, and any alteration must be confirmed by the legislatures of every state. Again, where is Rhode Island? Every State did not witness this So-called Constitution!
#4) President George W. Bush, is against quotas? O.K. Explain Article number 9 of the United States Confederation that states, as we deal with War Powers? Dominated "A committee of States" and mentions, "Alliance or military operations, as in their judgment require secrecy" The Term Cloathed in its use: Again is this Secrecy? And, the real {bombshell}, the new White House term: "From each State for its quota, in proportion to the number of White inhabitants in such State? Come on? The Power Structure of this damn country is based on QUOTAS, what kind of shit are we pulling here? QUOTAS?
The bottom-line is this; there are two America's here. The real deal has never been legally altered, being the perpetual alliance known as the Confederation of The United States of America. That is one Congress, and then we have this bullshit Constitution that isn't even real, of the United States, this is the other Congress! This Constitution we now claim, cannot be reality, until all the original 13 States bear witness and confirm first to an alteration to the Confederation, that can lead to an establishment called a Constitution, then perhaps in the Constitution the term Amendment may have meaning. To Amend or correct something, that by design is a deception is bullshit!
The Bottom Line is this, the So-Call Congress is actually powerless, and has no right by law to determine if President Bush goes to War or not! The real Congress consists of 13 States, because Rhode Island held out, and Virginia made two votes!
Capstone Zulu
The Zulus Traveled North & Those Who Traveled East Got Lost!
Air Force Infinity & Marine Infinity
Air Force Infinity & Marine Infinity
I want to put in an order for a Jet and Helicopter that are clones to what the President of the United States is issued. I want to it for my immediate family and if I have to fly I think I want to be in a Jet that can glide to a landing if the motors shut down.
Then I want Private Jets for my Administration and Consistory, I think 8 to 12 passenger Jets will be fine, I want to mix that up. I need enough Jets to keep them moving smoothly, I do not want to necessarily give each of them a Jet, I want the ability by having a nice size fleet to move my men and women without too much waiting, if they have to stay at a hotel overnight so be it. They will not need their own Jet, unless they buy it themselves, they can afford it, but I will get them wherever they have to go for me. I do not know check with some of these broke airlines and see what they have; I will take a few larger ones. And of course I will need pilots. I want as many Airmen as the government can spare. Airman will fly my family.
I wonder what the price tag will be for this fleet, but do not cut corners because this is about safety and not just transportation. I think my next problem is people are going to start to count my money and want more and more, but I have a lot of mouths to feed and major investments to make.
Frank Paul Gambino
I want to put in an order for a Jet and Helicopter that are clones to what the President of the United States is issued. I want to it for my immediate family and if I have to fly I think I want to be in a Jet that can glide to a landing if the motors shut down.
Then I want Private Jets for my Administration and Consistory, I think 8 to 12 passenger Jets will be fine, I want to mix that up. I need enough Jets to keep them moving smoothly, I do not want to necessarily give each of them a Jet, I want the ability by having a nice size fleet to move my men and women without too much waiting, if they have to stay at a hotel overnight so be it. They will not need their own Jet, unless they buy it themselves, they can afford it, but I will get them wherever they have to go for me. I do not know check with some of these broke airlines and see what they have; I will take a few larger ones. And of course I will need pilots. I want as many Airmen as the government can spare. Airman will fly my family.
I wonder what the price tag will be for this fleet, but do not cut corners because this is about safety and not just transportation. I think my next problem is people are going to start to count my money and want more and more, but I have a lot of mouths to feed and major investments to make.
Frank Paul Gambino
When is the next move?
To: President George W. Bush
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: When is the next move?
Date: 10 February 2008
I am ready to go home; my only concern is I do not want to take down my family in the process. As you demonstrated just because I might be and I stress might be an untouchable that does not apply to the Gambino Family Members, and therefore it does not apply to my wives possibly. I cannot risk their association with me as a basis for harassment. I keep being told it is not the time yet and I showed a lot of patience and so did they, but at some point we have to end the procrastination.
All I ask for in advance is my Presidential Pardon which is more about their security than mine’s and I want my retirement from the Government when I go home, everything else is (COD) cash on delivery. Based on my calendar I am free to move out anytime after 4 March 2008, which is the beginning of 049 or 430 years based on the faulty accounting. On correct accounting it is about 390 years plus 40 years in the wilderness. Anyway you look at it the time to deal with me has come.
I need to know where I am going I do not want to travel like chicken with her head cut off. I need confirmation I want to be received, I do not want to come uninvited and unexpected. As for coming like a thief in the night we been there and done that, people still do not know who I am and are full of doubts. Unifying with my women will help my credibility and will make me a happy and satisfied man. Then I will be willing to come in contact with a key and do what has to be done during your administration. Either when or sooner than if it takes to long before I get my Presidential Pardon I will move out within one week, sometime after 4 March 2008.
I should have the finances by sometime in March to move out; without any extra help. I need my Presidential Pardon ASAP.
Frank Paul Gambino
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: When is the next move?
Date: 10 February 2008
I am ready to go home; my only concern is I do not want to take down my family in the process. As you demonstrated just because I might be and I stress might be an untouchable that does not apply to the Gambino Family Members, and therefore it does not apply to my wives possibly. I cannot risk their association with me as a basis for harassment. I keep being told it is not the time yet and I showed a lot of patience and so did they, but at some point we have to end the procrastination.
All I ask for in advance is my Presidential Pardon which is more about their security than mine’s and I want my retirement from the Government when I go home, everything else is (COD) cash on delivery. Based on my calendar I am free to move out anytime after 4 March 2008, which is the beginning of 049 or 430 years based on the faulty accounting. On correct accounting it is about 390 years plus 40 years in the wilderness. Anyway you look at it the time to deal with me has come.
I need to know where I am going I do not want to travel like chicken with her head cut off. I need confirmation I want to be received, I do not want to come uninvited and unexpected. As for coming like a thief in the night we been there and done that, people still do not know who I am and are full of doubts. Unifying with my women will help my credibility and will make me a happy and satisfied man. Then I will be willing to come in contact with a key and do what has to be done during your administration. Either when or sooner than if it takes to long before I get my Presidential Pardon I will move out within one week, sometime after 4 March 2008.
I should have the finances by sometime in March to move out; without any extra help. I need my Presidential Pardon ASAP.
Frank Paul Gambino
Thursday, February 7, 2008
To: Parade Magazine
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Who Janet’s True Love?
Date: 7 February 2008
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
I read that Janet said her true love is Jermaine Dupri, then I read about her never forgiving her father for cheating on her mother. But what is beyond my understanding is that in her new bio she admits to being married to me, so you tell me what am I supposed to believe. Hyperlink to this page:
Janet Jackson: Personal life
Very early in Janet's life she was given in marriage to Frank Paul Jones, AKA Frank Paul Gambino the Son of the infamous Carlo Gambino who was the head of the Gambino Family, his mother was an African American named Blond Eva Austin Jones. This marriage was held in great confidence because of Paul's covert status with the United States government. They had a daughter together. Later in 1984, at age eighteen, Jackson eloped with James DeBarge, a member of the singing group DeBarge. The couple tried to keep the marriage a secret but news of the couple's nuptials was reported on Entertainment Tonight. Jackson would later admit that the marriage was not a good one, and that the family-particularly Joe-disapproved of the union as he felt Janet should be focusing on an impending career. The couple were granted an annulment in March 1985, however the decision was made to end this charade in early September 1984, when Paul found out about it as he returned from a tour of duty in Germany. In 2005, DeBarge's youngest brother Darrell claimed on the radio that his brother and Janet had a child. She is now in her 20's and her name is Renee. Janet has since denied this claim. She had a child but not from DeBarge.
In 1986, Jackson began dating her sister La Toya's former back-up dancer Rene Elizondo, Jr. The couple later allegedly secretly married in 1991 and spent over eight years married until Jackson filed for legal separation in 1999. In 2000, Elizondo confirmed rumors that the couple were married though Jackson had publicized their affair as a long-term unmarried relationship. Elizondo later filed for spousal support from Jackson for years of helping her out in her music career in which he claimed he co-wrote most of the songs featured on Jackson's post-Control efforts. In 2003, he received half the multi-million payday he was hoping for and the divorce was finalized.
Since 2001, Janet has been involved with hip hop producer Jermaine Dupri. In the time that they've been together, there have been numerous rumors that the two have married, though they have consistently denied these reports. Dupri appeared in Janet's videos for "Someone to Call My Lover" and "I Want You," while Janet returned the favor by appearing in Dupri's video for his 2005 single, "Gotta Getcha".
In 2006, Jackson had gained over 60 pounds. Gossip magazines routinely ran pictures of a much larger Janet with frumpy clothing and oversized hats. She went on a controversial CDO diet to lose the weight in 4 months. Jackson claimed she gained the weight for a movie role that never came to fruitation, but many expressed doubt at that notion as Janet is known for gaining weight between albums and getting back into shape before a new release. The fact of the matter is Janet has a nervous condition and gains weight when she over-worries. During the promotion of her 20 Y.O. album when she was on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she had admitted that she wanted to have children eventually. Oprah Winfrey immediately replied, "...well I guess it should happen soon..." with a concerned tone, since Janet had turned 40 years old at that time.
Janet Jackson And Jermaine Dupri per day for the last 30 days.

Get your own chart!
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Who Janet’s True Love?
Date: 7 February 2008
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
I read that Janet said her true love is Jermaine Dupri, then I read about her never forgiving her father for cheating on her mother. But what is beyond my understanding is that in her new bio she admits to being married to me, so you tell me what am I supposed to believe. Hyperlink to this page:
Janet Jackson: Personal life
Very early in Janet's life she was given in marriage to Frank Paul Jones, AKA Frank Paul Gambino the Son of the infamous Carlo Gambino who was the head of the Gambino Family, his mother was an African American named Blond Eva Austin Jones. This marriage was held in great confidence because of Paul's covert status with the United States government. They had a daughter together. Later in 1984, at age eighteen, Jackson eloped with James DeBarge, a member of the singing group DeBarge. The couple tried to keep the marriage a secret but news of the couple's nuptials was reported on Entertainment Tonight. Jackson would later admit that the marriage was not a good one, and that the family-particularly Joe-disapproved of the union as he felt Janet should be focusing on an impending career. The couple were granted an annulment in March 1985, however the decision was made to end this charade in early September 1984, when Paul found out about it as he returned from a tour of duty in Germany. In 2005, DeBarge's youngest brother Darrell claimed on the radio that his brother and Janet had a child. She is now in her 20's and her name is Renee. Janet has since denied this claim. She had a child but not from DeBarge.
In 1986, Jackson began dating her sister La Toya's former back-up dancer Rene Elizondo, Jr. The couple later allegedly secretly married in 1991 and spent over eight years married until Jackson filed for legal separation in 1999. In 2000, Elizondo confirmed rumors that the couple were married though Jackson had publicized their affair as a long-term unmarried relationship. Elizondo later filed for spousal support from Jackson for years of helping her out in her music career in which he claimed he co-wrote most of the songs featured on Jackson's post-Control efforts. In 2003, he received half the multi-million payday he was hoping for and the divorce was finalized.
Since 2001, Janet has been involved with hip hop producer Jermaine Dupri. In the time that they've been together, there have been numerous rumors that the two have married, though they have consistently denied these reports. Dupri appeared in Janet's videos for "Someone to Call My Lover" and "I Want You," while Janet returned the favor by appearing in Dupri's video for his 2005 single, "Gotta Getcha".
In 2006, Jackson had gained over 60 pounds. Gossip magazines routinely ran pictures of a much larger Janet with frumpy clothing and oversized hats. She went on a controversial CDO diet to lose the weight in 4 months. Jackson claimed she gained the weight for a movie role that never came to fruitation, but many expressed doubt at that notion as Janet is known for gaining weight between albums and getting back into shape before a new release. The fact of the matter is Janet has a nervous condition and gains weight when she over-worries. During the promotion of her 20 Y.O. album when she was on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she had admitted that she wanted to have children eventually. Oprah Winfrey immediately replied, "...well I guess it should happen soon..." with a concerned tone, since Janet had turned 40 years old at that time.
Janet Jackson And Jermaine Dupri per day for the last 30 days.
Get your own chart!
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
To: Parade Magazine
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Who Janet’s True Love?
Date: 7 February 2008
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
I read that Janet said her true love is Jermaine Dupri, then I read about her never forgiving her father for cheating on her mother. But what is beyond my I understanding is that in her new bio she admits to being married to me, so you tell me what am I supposed to believe. Hyperlink to this page:
Janet Jackson: Personal life
Very early in Janet's life she was given in marriage to Frank Paul Jones, AKA Frank Paul Gambino the Son of the infamous Carlo Gambino who was the head of the Gambino Family, his mother was an African American named Blond Eva Austin Jones. This marriage was held in great confidence because of Paul's covert status with the United States government. They had a daughter together. Later in 1984, at age eighteen, Jackson eloped with James DeBarge, a member of the singing group DeBarge. The couple tried to keep the marriage a secret but news of the couple's nuptials was reported on Entertainment Tonight. Jackson would later admit that the marriage was not a good one, and that the family-particularly Joe-disapproved of the union as he felt Janet should be focusing on an impending career. The couple were granted an annulment in March 1985, however the decision was made to end this charade in early September 1984, when Paul found out about it as he returned from a tour of duty in Germany. In 2005, DeBarge's youngest brother Darrell claimed on the radio that his brother and Janet had a child. She is now in her 20's and her name is Renee. Janet has since denied this claim. She had a child but not from DeBarge.
In 1986, Jackson began dating her sister La Toya's former back-up dancer Rene Elizondo, Jr. The couple later allegedly secretly married in 1991 and spent over eight years married until Jackson filed for legal separation in 1999. In 2000, Elizondo confirmed rumors that the couple were married though Jackson had publicized their affair as a long-term unmarried relationship. Elizondo later filed for spousal support from Jackson for years of helping her out in her music career in which he claimed he co-wrote most of the songs featured on Jackson's post-Control efforts. In 2003, he received half the multi-million payday he was hoping for and the divorce was finalized.
Since 2001, Janet has been involved with hip hop producer Jermaine Dupri. In the time that they've been together, there have been numerous rumors that the two have married, though they have consistently denied these reports. Dupri appeared in Janet's videos for "Someone to Call My Lover" and "I Want You," while Janet returned the favor by appearing in Dupri's video for his 2005 single, "Gotta Getcha".
In 2006, Jackson had gained over 60 pounds. Gossip magazines routinely ran pictures of a much larger Janet with frumpy clothing and oversized hats. She went on a controversial CDO diet to lose the weight in 4 months. Jackson claimed she gained the weight for a movie role that never came to fruitation, but many expressed doubt at that notion as Janet is known for gaining weight between albums and getting back into shape before a new release. The fact of the matter is Janet has a nervous condition and gains weight when she over-worries. During the promotion of her 20 Y.O. album when she was on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she had admitted that she wanted to have children eventually. Oprah Winfrey immediately replied, "...well I guess it should happen soon..." with a concerned tone, since Janet had turned 40 years old at that time.
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Who Janet’s True Love?
Date: 7 February 2008
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
I read that Janet said her true love is Jermaine Dupri, then I read about her never forgiving her father for cheating on her mother. But what is beyond my I understanding is that in her new bio she admits to being married to me, so you tell me what am I supposed to believe. Hyperlink to this page:
Janet Jackson: Personal life
Very early in Janet's life she was given in marriage to Frank Paul Jones, AKA Frank Paul Gambino the Son of the infamous Carlo Gambino who was the head of the Gambino Family, his mother was an African American named Blond Eva Austin Jones. This marriage was held in great confidence because of Paul's covert status with the United States government. They had a daughter together. Later in 1984, at age eighteen, Jackson eloped with James DeBarge, a member of the singing group DeBarge. The couple tried to keep the marriage a secret but news of the couple's nuptials was reported on Entertainment Tonight. Jackson would later admit that the marriage was not a good one, and that the family-particularly Joe-disapproved of the union as he felt Janet should be focusing on an impending career. The couple were granted an annulment in March 1985, however the decision was made to end this charade in early September 1984, when Paul found out about it as he returned from a tour of duty in Germany. In 2005, DeBarge's youngest brother Darrell claimed on the radio that his brother and Janet had a child. She is now in her 20's and her name is Renee. Janet has since denied this claim. She had a child but not from DeBarge.
In 1986, Jackson began dating her sister La Toya's former back-up dancer Rene Elizondo, Jr. The couple later allegedly secretly married in 1991 and spent over eight years married until Jackson filed for legal separation in 1999. In 2000, Elizondo confirmed rumors that the couple were married though Jackson had publicized their affair as a long-term unmarried relationship. Elizondo later filed for spousal support from Jackson for years of helping her out in her music career in which he claimed he co-wrote most of the songs featured on Jackson's post-Control efforts. In 2003, he received half the multi-million payday he was hoping for and the divorce was finalized.
Since 2001, Janet has been involved with hip hop producer Jermaine Dupri. In the time that they've been together, there have been numerous rumors that the two have married, though they have consistently denied these reports. Dupri appeared in Janet's videos for "Someone to Call My Lover" and "I Want You," while Janet returned the favor by appearing in Dupri's video for his 2005 single, "Gotta Getcha".
In 2006, Jackson had gained over 60 pounds. Gossip magazines routinely ran pictures of a much larger Janet with frumpy clothing and oversized hats. She went on a controversial CDO diet to lose the weight in 4 months. Jackson claimed she gained the weight for a movie role that never came to fruitation, but many expressed doubt at that notion as Janet is known for gaining weight between albums and getting back into shape before a new release. The fact of the matter is Janet has a nervous condition and gains weight when she over-worries. During the promotion of her 20 Y.O. album when she was on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she had admitted that she wanted to have children eventually. Oprah Winfrey immediately replied, "...well I guess it should happen soon..." with a concerned tone, since Janet had turned 40 years old at that time.
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
To: Parade Magazine
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Who Janet’s True Love?
Date: 7 February 2008
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
I read that Janet said her true love is Jermaine Dupri, then I read about her never forgiving her father for cheating on her mother. But what is beyond my understanding is that in her new bio she admits to being married to me, so you tell me what am I supposed to believe. Hyperlink to this page copy and paste:
Janet Jackson: Personal life
Very early in Janet's life she was given in marriage to Frank Paul Jones, AKA Frank Paul Gambino the Son of the infamous Carlo Gambino who was the head of the Gambino Family, his mother was an African American named Blond Eva Austin Jones. This marriage was held in great confidence because of Paul's covert status with the United States government. They had a daughter together. Later in 1984, at age eighteen, Jackson eloped with James DeBarge, a member of the singing group DeBarge. The couple tried to keep the marriage a secret but news of the couple's nuptials was reported on Entertainment Tonight. Jackson would later admit that the marriage was not a good one, and that the family-particularly Joe-disapproved of the union as he felt Janet should be focusing on an impending career. The couple were granted an annulment in March 1985, however the decision was made to end this charade in early September 1984, when Paul found out about it as he returned from a tour of duty in Germany. In 2005, DeBarge's youngest brother Darrell claimed on the radio that his brother and Janet had a child. She is now in her 20's and her name is Renee. Janet has since denied this claim. She had a child but not from DeBarge.
In 1986, Jackson began dating her sister La Toya's former back-up dancer Rene Elizondo, Jr. The couple later allegedly secretly married in 1991 and spent over eight years married until Jackson filed for legal separation in 1999. In 2000, Elizondo confirmed rumors that the couple were married though Jackson had publicized their affair as a long-term unmarried relationship. Elizondo later filed for spousal support from Jackson for years of helping her out in her music career in which he claimed he co-wrote most of the songs featured on Jackson's post-Control efforts. In 2003, he received half the multi-million payday he was hoping for and the divorce was finalized.
Since 2001, Janet has been involved with hip hop producer Jermaine Dupri. In the time that they've been together, there have been numerous rumors that the two have married, though they have consistently denied these reports. Dupri appeared in Janet's videos for "Someone to Call My Lover" and "I Want You," while Janet returned the favor by appearing in Dupri's video for his 2005 single, "Gotta Getcha".
In 2006, Jackson had gained over 60 pounds. Gossip magazines routinely ran pictures of a much larger Janet with frumpy clothing and oversized hats. She went on a controversial CDO diet to lose the weight in 4 months. Jackson claimed she gained the weight for a movie role that never came to fruitation, but many expressed doubt at that notion as Janet is known for gaining weight between albums and getting back into shape before a new release. The fact of the matter is Janet has a nervous condition and gains weight when she over-worries. During the promotion of her 20 Y.O. album when she was on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she had admitted that she wanted to have children eventually. Oprah Winfrey immediately replied, "...well I guess it should happen soon..." with a concerned tone, since Janet had turned 40 years old at that time.
Parade Magazine
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Who Janet’s True Love?
Date: 7 February 2008
Who is really Janet’s true Love?
I read that Janet said her true love is Jermaine Dupri, then I read about her never forgiving her father for cheating on her mother. But what is beyond my understanding is that in her new bio she admits to being married to me, so you tell me what am I supposed to believe. Hyperlink to this page copy and paste:
Janet Jackson: Personal life
Very early in Janet's life she was given in marriage to Frank Paul Jones, AKA Frank Paul Gambino the Son of the infamous Carlo Gambino who was the head of the Gambino Family, his mother was an African American named Blond Eva Austin Jones. This marriage was held in great confidence because of Paul's covert status with the United States government. They had a daughter together. Later in 1984, at age eighteen, Jackson eloped with James DeBarge, a member of the singing group DeBarge. The couple tried to keep the marriage a secret but news of the couple's nuptials was reported on Entertainment Tonight. Jackson would later admit that the marriage was not a good one, and that the family-particularly Joe-disapproved of the union as he felt Janet should be focusing on an impending career. The couple were granted an annulment in March 1985, however the decision was made to end this charade in early September 1984, when Paul found out about it as he returned from a tour of duty in Germany. In 2005, DeBarge's youngest brother Darrell claimed on the radio that his brother and Janet had a child. She is now in her 20's and her name is Renee. Janet has since denied this claim. She had a child but not from DeBarge.
In 1986, Jackson began dating her sister La Toya's former back-up dancer Rene Elizondo, Jr. The couple later allegedly secretly married in 1991 and spent over eight years married until Jackson filed for legal separation in 1999. In 2000, Elizondo confirmed rumors that the couple were married though Jackson had publicized their affair as a long-term unmarried relationship. Elizondo later filed for spousal support from Jackson for years of helping her out in her music career in which he claimed he co-wrote most of the songs featured on Jackson's post-Control efforts. In 2003, he received half the multi-million payday he was hoping for and the divorce was finalized.
Since 2001, Janet has been involved with hip hop producer Jermaine Dupri. In the time that they've been together, there have been numerous rumors that the two have married, though they have consistently denied these reports. Dupri appeared in Janet's videos for "Someone to Call My Lover" and "I Want You," while Janet returned the favor by appearing in Dupri's video for his 2005 single, "Gotta Getcha".
In 2006, Jackson had gained over 60 pounds. Gossip magazines routinely ran pictures of a much larger Janet with frumpy clothing and oversized hats. She went on a controversial CDO diet to lose the weight in 4 months. Jackson claimed she gained the weight for a movie role that never came to fruitation, but many expressed doubt at that notion as Janet is known for gaining weight between albums and getting back into shape before a new release. The fact of the matter is Janet has a nervous condition and gains weight when she over-worries. During the promotion of her 20 Y.O. album when she was on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she had admitted that she wanted to have children eventually. Oprah Winfrey immediately replied, "...well I guess it should happen soon..." with a concerned tone, since Janet had turned 40 years old at that time.

Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Bank of America way
The Bank of America way
To: President George W. Bush & the United States Congress:
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Bank of America Function
Date: 6 August 2007
Date: 30 January 2008
This is based on total thought and theory:
We had Barnet Bank and Nations Bank, one was black owned and the other white owned. They merged into becoming The Bank of America, which is either the largest bank in America or the second largest bank in the world as of now. I could find out with a simple query, but this letter is totally speculation.
The Bank of America grew and grew fast. We had covert operations and we covered up the money used for it, for example Star Wars Technology. We had the Deregulation Bill that led to the S&L Scandal (Savings and Loans Scandal) & Money disappeared and was never found that was borrowed for projects that did not exist. Where did the money go, everybody cannot be in the red, but all I hear is debts and more debts. Where did the money go and how did the Bank of America become the “Banking of the American way?”
This calls for intelligence. But remember what you are dealing with, you do not want to destroy the economy by taking down a bank.
My Solution: We get our share as I requested to go towards the spending as mentioned and the rest of the earnings from the Bank of America goes towards funding covert operations for this day on to as long as there is a United States of America. We get paid and America has a new source of income to support intelligence and covert operations, without further taxation on the American people.
The History of Bank of America
Bank of America will have 1.7 trillion in assets. ... In July 2006,
Net Income (2006) $21.13 billion USD (2006)[
The rating actions follow the announcement by NationsBank that it has agreed to merge with Barnett. The combination with Barnett, already the leading bank in Florida with….
The purchase of BankAmerica Corp. by the NationsBank Corporation was the largest bank acquisition in history at that time. While the deal was technically a purchase of BankAmerica Corporation by NationsBank, the deal was structured as merger with NationsBank renamed to Bank of America Corporation, and Bank of America NT&SA, changing its name to Bank of America, N.A. as the remaining legal bank entity….
To: President George W. Bush & the United States Congress:
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Bank of America Function
Date: 6 August 2007
Date: 30 January 2008
This is based on total thought and theory:
We had Barnet Bank and Nations Bank, one was black owned and the other white owned. They merged into becoming The Bank of America, which is either the largest bank in America or the second largest bank in the world as of now. I could find out with a simple query, but this letter is totally speculation.
The Bank of America grew and grew fast. We had covert operations and we covered up the money used for it, for example Star Wars Technology. We had the Deregulation Bill that led to the S&L Scandal (Savings and Loans Scandal) & Money disappeared and was never found that was borrowed for projects that did not exist. Where did the money go, everybody cannot be in the red, but all I hear is debts and more debts. Where did the money go and how did the Bank of America become the “Banking of the American way?”
This calls for intelligence. But remember what you are dealing with, you do not want to destroy the economy by taking down a bank.
My Solution: We get our share as I requested to go towards the spending as mentioned and the rest of the earnings from the Bank of America goes towards funding covert operations for this day on to as long as there is a United States of America. We get paid and America has a new source of income to support intelligence and covert operations, without further taxation on the American people.
The History of Bank of America
Bank of America will have 1.7 trillion in assets. ... In July 2006,
Net Income (2006) $21.13 billion USD (2006)[
The rating actions follow the announcement by NationsBank that it has agreed to merge with Barnett. The combination with Barnett, already the leading bank in Florida with….
The purchase of BankAmerica Corp. by the NationsBank Corporation was the largest bank acquisition in history at that time. While the deal was technically a purchase of BankAmerica Corporation by NationsBank, the deal was structured as merger with NationsBank renamed to Bank of America Corporation, and Bank of America NT&SA, changing its name to Bank of America, N.A. as the remaining legal bank entity….
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