
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Do Not Think the Congress is Bulletproof


There are 535 members in the Congress, with 100 in the Senate and 435 in the House, but there are about 317 million Americans.  Yet these 535 have us all at their mercy. To them we are just numbers, so it seems and they really don't care about us. Now they are threatening to shutdown the U.S. Government, if President Obama does not repeal Obamacare.  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act called Obamacare which I think is good for America.


Personally it does not really effect me directly, one way or the other. Because I am a Army Veteran and get my healthcare through the Veterans Healthcare System, but there are many Americans who simply couldn't afford healthcare and now they will.  While we are the riches nation in the world our Congress wants to refuse healthcare for all Americans.  I think it is bad enough that certain States are able to opt out of Obamacare, that is not fair in my opinion.  And what kills me is their opposition to Obamacare is its cost, yet they found it to be alright to spend $10 trillion on Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.  And now their only argument about Syria is President Obama's plan does not go far enough.  They want an all out war over in Syria, they want regime change. At a cost of?


We are in a tough economy and many Americans depend on the Federal Government, due to the huge jobless rates.  Over 101 million Americans depend on food stamps to feed their families.  Over 62 million people get some sort of subsidy from Social Security.  There are about 1.5 million people in the armed forces and this doesn't count all of their dependents.  Then there is our law enforcement groups, such as the FBI, DEA, Homeland Security, CIA and so forth.  Hell even the Secret Service operates under the Federal umbrella.  I feel for them as well for these people to make such a threat is an act of treason.


I guess, I must ask, can a Congressman commit an act of treason?  We know the price for treason is death by a firing squad or it use to be. Who knows maybe they now use lethal injections, being we are a humane society today.  This is not a joke and I am very serious about what I am saying.  To who does the Congress stand accountable?  And I am certain there are other ways of dealing with traders than simply voting them out.


Hell a young man who knew no better joins the Army and they destroy his life before it even starts for a simple act of disobedience.  Most certainly elected official stands to a higher standard than that a little kid trying to escape oppression by joining the military.   We even hear about Presidents being impeached, before their term of service is up, should not Congressmen be held accountable for their actions?  Hell we have RICO for the Mafia, I mean mobsters cannot conspire against the government.  Does that mean the Congress or the American people?  Who can they not conspire against?  So how can the Congress conspire against the American people and talk about shutdowns?


Is the Congress actually above the law?  Can they vote anyway they please about the livelihoods of over one hundred million of Americans? How can this be in a democracy?  Because from the look of things the Congress is not accountable for their actions, they can simply do as they please or choose to do nothing at all and all we can do is wait to the next elections?


All this mayhem going on in America.  People killing kids at schools, at the movies and now at Navy Yards, all to make a point.  "I am unhappy with America."  But it seems like the Congress are untouchables. Yet they are the culprits to all this chaos, but nobody seems to make them accountable for what they are doing to America as a whole.  But they are only 535 strong.  Their faces are all over the internet and their names are printed in large letters for everyone to see.  But because they are our lawmakers, they are honored, revered and overlooked by the disgruntled, who give up on their lives.


I say let them shutdown the government.  Force 101 million people to make a choice on hunger or fighting back. Force another 62 million into possible homelessness, stop the checks of the fighting men and women in uniform.  And stop law enforcement and all the other federal government agencies.  And what will you have?  "Anarchy."  And nobody will be safe, especially the Congress of the United States of America


And sooner or later someone who is tired of all this worrying about their fate into the next day, sooner or later someone who is tired of their poor living conditions that are not even stable or secured, as it is being taken from them from an uncaring Congress.  Someday someone will wise up and vent their anger in a direction where it will produce a change in the hearts of those who are causing us all this hell and worrying about daily living essentials.  And the target will not be a little kid going to school or a person  going to work just to make ends meet or to a movie for some relaxation, but at the people who careless about them and is causing all this mayhem and confusion.


"I Do Not Think the Congress is Bulletproof."


They just have respect they don't deserve.  Which is an illusion among Americans that can wear off.  The Congress is not above the law and they have a responsibility to the American people. And to not carryout their responsibility out, is in fact an act of treason.  And a treasonous should be dealt with accordingly.


The Apostle Paul aka Paul Castellano




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