
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Think Big? Get Real Bitch!

Think Big? Get Real Bitch!

To: President George W. Bush & Pres. Elect Barak Obama
From: Frank Paul Gambino
Date: 23 November 2008

Just because a question does not have an easy answer does not mean you should not ask it. On the contrary, that is exactly the sort of question you should be tackling over the coming 12 months. If you want to be happy you must always think big.
If you are wise you will back off a bit and let things develop in their own way and at their own pace. Events on the work front are unfolding so fast there is really no point in trying to understand or direct them. Watch what happens and react as and when.
Why must I think big? Who am I really to do such a thing? My name is not in Forbes. For that matter I am not even in Wikipedia. In reality I am non existent, on the official level all I am is blogger. Who are you fooling? The so-called people of authority do not ever invite me to any events as a VIP and you say ask a question I will end these remarks with the question Why? On the contrary I need to think smaller because I have power over my actions in the ghetto and are powerless in Hollywood.

A simple thing like my pension from the VA has been frozen in Washington DC for over a year, what kind of power is that. Janet travels the country and the world with Jermaine Dupri and all I can do is make weak threats and watch from the sidelines. She drove to the point whereby I really care less about her, because her behavior I cannot change, but my feelings towards her I can change. So I decided to enjoy life and other women on the planet who are not big time but are small time and are a part of my station of life. See thinking big time means being alone and tormented, but thinking small means having a life today, because rich sex and poor sex is still nothing but sex and sex is a need. A rich conversation and poor conversation is still companionship, there are poor women who are prettier and more intelligent than Janet, because Janet was all about a promise I tried to keep and she did not allow me to do so, should a waste more time on her? Certainly not!

I’d rater be somebody among my peers who are poor than nobody among strangers who are rich. In the rich community I am not even a name mentioned, I am not in Forbes or Wikipedia, nor does my name ever leave the lips of Janet or yours for that matter. I am simply and idea man who gets not due recognition or compensation, who is left on the sidelines to be tormented daily and I do not have to live like this anymore. There are many women attracted to me and opportunities for me to live comfortable in my current station in life. I’d rather be a gangster among stand up men and wise guys than a picture on a make believe magazine among faggots and fake ass women. I can think big and think ghetto, because I know my place now and it is not among Hollywood faggots. They said fuck me and now I say fuck them. Think big? Get real bitch! Because I smell the coffee!

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