
Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Faulty Accounting & the 430 Years:

The Faulty Accounting & the 430 Years:

[Question]: You didn't tell me the Supreme Mathematics of the Day?

[Answer]: We will call this the Egypt to Israel Faulty Accounting!

[Question]: Why?

[Answer]: Because the Numbers don't square!

Mathematics made simple: 430 years in Egypt = Symbol of being in Slavery! The first ship with slaves is said to have arrived in America in 1619? 1619 + 430 = 2049. Now the birth of the Son was in 1959 or 0059 or 0001 or [AD 05?] According to the Roman Catholic Church & the Birth of Paul, he was born AD 05? I can call them confused and say if Apostle Paul was born [AD 05] and I AM 44, then today we are living in AD 0049 - 40 from the 0089 = Now! = 0049. Or if the Son was born on AD 1, and is 48 years old we are living in AD 0049. Now if King Jesus Paul Solomon is the Three Great Lights contrary to the false teachings of Freemasonry then the problem is their accounting! Why? If slavery was introduced here in 1619 = 381 before the second coming of G if we believe there is a Savior, he must remove slavery, am I correct, if we duly recognize 2000 years? Furthermore 381 + 49 = 430, the accounting does not square.

Then if the Birth of the Savior is the Beginning of AD = Anno Domini = in a specified year of the Christian era = in the year of The Lord or AD 01? Therefore, until AD 05 Paul wasn't born or made yet.

Therefore Paul cannot be accountable for anything before AD 05 or 1964. Now we can call the Marches in 1963 the Marching Orders into the Wilderness which took place over 40 year ago. Therefore the 430 years are up either in 2007 or 2008, depending on your supreme mathematics. We are in Israel which the land of milk and honey, it is not located in the Middle East in a desert.

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